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[oor-forum] Relocation of the OOR servers

To: Mike Dean <mdean@xxxxxxx>, Ken Baclawski <kenb@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Gary Berg-Cross <gbergcross@xxxxxxxxx>, OpenOntologyRepository-discussion <oor-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[cwe-imp]" <cwe-imp@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 21:42:14 -0700
Message-id: <CAGdcwD0ZFLODWYWV7a3WmSAzO1TJqC9tGOuokwwEqerF7pkWLg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear All,    (01)

I am contemplating the relocation of the physical machine that hosts
the various OOR instances hosted at CIM3 to the DataCenter some time
this week. This can happen as early as tomorrow (Tue 2012.06.05).
Since it involved a re-assignment of IP numbers, that may mean that
the servers (OOR instances) may not be accessible for a couple of days
after the relocation (for the propagation of the new IP's through the
DNS's.)    (02)

Note, in particular, that the following OOR instances will be affected:
- sandbox.oor.net
- dev.oor.net
- test-00.oor.net
- socop.oor.net    (03)

If anyone has a reason, or particular need for their OOR instance(s),
and would want to make sure that a particular OOR instance is up on a
certain day/time, please let me know within the next 12 hours (by
responding to this message. Otherwise, I will proceed with my plans on
the relocation.    (04)

I will, of course, keep everyone posted when the systems become
offline, and when they come back online again ... noting, of course,
that even when the system is back online with a new IP number, you may
or may not access it immediately from where you are (this is dependent
on your location) because of the IP/DNS change(s).    (05)

Regards. =ppy
--    (06)

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