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[ontology-summit] Feedback on ontology evaluation tool (OOPS! - OntOlogy

To: oor-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Ontology Summit 2013 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: María Poveda <mpoveda@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 15:34:03 +0200
Message-id: <CA+mx6Z2WN_2amgfoLFP99veF61YQpR5VnUtoppCWRpCmy+XT=A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,

  during this year's Ontology Summit we had the great opportunity to show our work on ontology evaluation [1] and the tool we have developed (OOPS! - OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner available at http://www.oeg-upm.net/oops/ ).

If by any chance you get to use it or you want to try it out now, we will be very thankful if you could provide some feedback so that we can improve it. You can fill in the following form (it would not take more than 5 minutes): http://goo.gl/9W7bLl

Thanks you very much in advance

María & Mari Carmen

[1] http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2013/2013-01-31_OntologySummit2013_OntologyEvaluation-IntrinsicAspects/OntologySummit2013_Ontology-pitfalls-OOPS--PovedaVillalon-SuarezFigueroa-GomezPerez_20130131.pdf

María Poveda Villalón

PhD student
Ontology Engineering Group (OEG)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Madrid, Spain

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  • [ontology-summit] Feedback on ontology evaluation tool (OOPS! - OntOlogy Pitfall Scanner), María Poveda <=