- Install Sun Java 1.5 or higher (On ubuntu you may need to make
it the default jre: sudo update-alternatives --config java)
- Install tomcat
- On ubuntu, it will run on port 8180 - this will create
with the BP UI (which assumes 8080 and 80), solution in the UI section
- The BioPortal core port can now be configured in the
environment.rb file of the Rails app. --Paul 14:27, 23 October 2009
sudo apt-get install tomcat5.5
- Install MySQL (5.1)
sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Install BP backend
- In MySQL, create databases:
mysql -u root -p
create database bioportal;
create database bioportal_protege;
create database bioportal_lexgrid;
- Add user: bioportal_prd/bioportal_prd (change password, if you
want, but make sure you keep it in sync with the
create user bioportal_prd identified by 'bioportal_prd'
- grant all rights to bioportal_prd on the 3 databases
grant all on *.* to 'bioportal_prd'@'localhost'
- on the bioportal database, grant also the SUPER and the TRIGGER
grant SUPER, TRIGGER on *.* to
- create user ncboadmin; (needed!)
create user ncboadmin identified by 'ncboadmin'
- Checkout bioportal_core sources from SVN:
- Create some directory on your computer to hold the bioportal
resources, e.g.: /work/tools/bioportal/resources
- Edit the from the bioportal_core folder,
- Execute:
mysql -u root -p < db/sql/bioportal_db.sql
mysql -u root -p < db/sql/bioportal_lookup_data.sql
mysql -u root -p <
- Make following steps only if you are using tag 1018
mysql -u root -p <
use bioportal;
alter table ncbo_usage_log modify request_parameters
This should create a war file that is deployed in your tomcat
folder. You might get a permission exception, in which case, you either
run as root, or give your user write access to tomcat/webapps.
- Test the backend, by going to a browser and try:
- If you get in catalina.out a access security exception
(something like could not parse default web.xml), then edit
//Added by Tania to make BP run, not a good idea to grant to all, all permisson... well, it's a hack
grant {
(I had problems with the file permission in tomcat, so I have given
all write permission to webapps. Not recommended, but solved many
problems. Alex can tell you how to do it right)
- Always look in the tomcat logs: catalina.out and bioportal.log
Install BioPortal UI Development Environment
- Install ruby, rubygems, rails:
sudo apt-get install ruby
sudo apt-get install rubygems
sudo apt-get install rails
gem install rails
- Install MySQL
sudo gem install mysql --
- if you get error "'require': no such file to load -- mkmf
(LoadError)", you need to install:
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient15-dev
sudo apt-get install ruby-dev
- Install memcached
sudo apt-get install memcached
- Install ruby gems
gem install rails -v 2.0.2
gem install fastthread
gem install memcache-client
gem install SystemTimer
- Install LibXML and related gem
sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev
gem install libxml-ruby
- Decide whether you want to run bleeding-edge code or a
particular tag (running the latest tag from the BioPoral UI and the
BioPortal Core is a good method for getting a stable system)
- To get the most recent production-ready tag, look in the tag
folder in the code repository, find the highest tag number, then issue
the following command:
- To get the most recent, bleeding-edge source code, you must
issue the following command:
- Go to the checked out code and edit config/database.yml and edit
the database connection for "development". E.g.:
adapter: mysql
encoding: utf8
database: BioPortalGui_development
username: bioportal_prd
password: bioportal_prd
host: localhost
- In MySql give all permission on BioPortalGui_development to
the bioportal user that you have set up in the backend (e.g.,
- Run the database rake task from the root of the BioPortal UI
- Modify config/environments/production.rb file to point to the
correct location of your memcache server
- Rename /config/environment.rb.sample to /config/environment.rb
and modify the following:
- Point to the correct SMTP server
- Point to the proper BioPortal Core and Open Biomedical
Services Resource Index rest URLs (no trailing slashes)
- Provide the port number of your BioPortal Core Tomcat
- Enable and configure reCAPTCHA if desired
- If tomcat runs on a different port (e.g., 8180), like in
ubuntu, change the $REST_PORT setting in config/environment.rb
- Start the webserver
- Webrick or Mongrel are Ruby-based webservers, which can be
started from the BioPortal UI directory:
ruby script/server
- Webrick and Mongrel default to port 3000
- Alternatively, you can use Phusion Passenger (aka mod_rails,
mod_rack). This is recommended for production environments. More
- UI should be up now. Make sure backend in Tomcat is running. To
test UI go to:
- If search is not working, make the tomcat/logs/bioportal.log
writable to everybody
If something goes wrong, then look in:
- Webrick console
- Tomcat logs: catalina.out and bioportal.log
Install the bioportal admin application (optional)
- This is optional, and only if you want to do things directly
on the backend (e.g. start parsing, indexing, deleting ontologies,
- Checkout the bioportal admin from SVN
svn co
cd bioportal_admin
- make a copy of the and rename it to
- edit the (entries similar to the ones in for bioportal_core, see above)
- you'll have to edit bioportal.admin.encryption.key . See
comments for valid values
ant clean deplywar
(your port might be different)
What to do next
- Go get a coffee; if you succeeded, then you deserve it :)
- Create a user from the Bioportal UI
- Try to upload a small ontology
- If you want to use the bioportal_admin, you will have to give
your user admin privileges. You can do this, by first looking into the
bioportal databse, ncbo.l.role table, what is the id for
ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR (e.g., 2824). Then, look in the ncbo_user table for
your user (firstname and lastname col), and write down the user id from
the id column (e.g. 38312). Then go to ncbo_user_role table and edit
the row that contains your user id in the user_id column, and put in
the role_id column the administrator role id. E.g.
(user_id:38312,role_id:2824). Restart the backend and try to log into
the bioportal_admin