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Re: [oor-dev] BioPortal 2.0 Install help

To: OpenOntologyRepository-development <oor-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Tejas Parikh <tejas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2009 18:24:20 -0500
Message-id: <63274c480912041524j760f4086y879166a21740573a@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Can you please point me to updated instruction on wiki. I have the instructions in an email and do not have link to the wiki.


On Fri, Dec 4, 2009 at 5:40 PM, Paul R Alexander <palexander@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

That particular schema file was provided as a workaround. The preferred way to get the MySQL schema in place is to run 'rake db:migrate' from the BioPortal UI directory. I've updated the instructions on the wiki for this and some other requirements that weren't included, so please check the new instructions and try again. Also, you may need to update your code from the trunk in order for the rake task to run properly.

Let me know if you have any other problems.


On 12/3/09 4:29 PM, Tejas Parikh wrote:

I am trying to execute following step in installing BioPoratal 2.0

- Run the database script for creating the MySQL UI tables
mysql -uroot -p < BioportalSchema.sql

However I cannot find the sql script "BioportalSchema.sql" in the db directory of bioportal_core or in the bioportalui. Where do i get this script from?

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