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[ontology-summit] Hackathon -- catalog of ontology and vocabulary charac

To: Ontology Summit discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Amanda Vizedom <amanda.vizedom@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 21:05:03 -0400
Message-id: <CAEmngXsGbi9xx9oP59LrrqWTa_UXS2-XS2P=kaT-nvz_MG66jQ@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
... needs you!

Project: "An ontological catalog of ontology and metadata vocabulary characteristics relevant to suitability for semantic web and big data applications"

...also known as VOCREF: Vocabulary and Ontology Characteristics Relevant to Evaluation of Fitness [name subject to change based on wit, whim, usability, and contributors' collective inclinations].

Materials and logistics are in place for this upcoming Saturday, 29 March, 2014, starting with a kickoff at 10am EDT to discuss the problem, our approaches and the possible work items.  [More details on this below.]  

The aim of this project is to create an ontology suitable for the description of a vocabulary or ontology (VO for convenience, for now) in terms of those characteristics (aspects, properties, etc.) likely to be relevant when evaluating the fitness of that VO for some particular purpose. The output of this project will be a publicly available, open-source ontology that is collaboratively developed and extensible over time. 

More details about the project, including hackathon-day logistics instructions, are available at http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Hackathon_OntologicalCatalogue. Working materials are available at https://github.com/ajvizedom/vocref.  Anyone interested is encouraged to have a look at the github site, to "watch" the repository and to become a contributor, and to add themselves to the team roster on the wiki page.

Currently, we are planning to kick off with all-participants, via Google Hangout, at 10:00 EDT on Saturday.  However, we would also like to encourage participation from any time zone, and are willing to make adjustment and/or pre-hackathon coordination arrangements in support of that participation. The project is set up, and additional guidance will be provided on both GitHub and the wiki site, to enable asynchronous work and integrate individuals' work and work processes as seamlessly as possible. 

We will use the GitHub issues system also as a workflow management systems. Participants will open "issues" for new work batches and assign them to themselves to indicate that they have started to work on them. Comments on issues will be used for sharing/tracking of status of work batches as well as technical and content-related conversations. Individual work batches will be created initially and committed into the main repository as separate ontologies, which may be merged or remain as separate modules, as most appropriate to their content. The synchronous Google Hangout will provide a supplemental medium for coordination, consultation, shared viewing and communication for those who are working at any one time. 

We would very much welcome additional participants. To join the team, please add yourself to the wiki page roster, with contact info, and or contact current team members:
Amanda Vizedom [email: <amanda(dot)vizedom(at)gmail(dot)com>, Google Plus: google.com/+AmandaVizedom, or ajvizedom on skype or twitter]
Andrea Westerinen [email: <arwesterinen(at)gmail(dot)com>]. 

Please also contact us with any questions, or if you are interested but unsure.

Amanda Vizedom

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