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[ontology-summit] Hackathon - Reference data for Anime and Manga. Projec

To: Ontology Summit 2013 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Victor Agroskin <vic5784@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 00:58:49 +0400
Message-id: <CAJbbDjSWmOfSO7yNnBobY3g+abJM+xMpiXz+rqddtexinS6LLg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Project summary:

Project presentation page -- http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Hackathon_ReferenceDataForAnimeAndManga

Team leader: VictorAgroskin (MSK, UTC+4), vic5784 at gmail.com

Event starts 29th of March 2014 12:00 MSK / 8:00 UTC / 00:00 PST "virtureal" (Moscow in TechInvestLab.ru office, all over the world via http://mikogo.com session 379-614-845)

Alpha version of the dot15926 Editor designed to support data import extensions for Hackathon -- http://techinvestlab.ru/files/15alpha/dot15926Editor15alpha.rar

Public extension code repository -- https://github.com/ailev/anird
Now contains example extension to access Google Directions API and create simple geography route breakdown as ISO 15926 semantic model

Not much about anime and manga content so far, but we're working and waiting for more participants!

Victor Agroskin

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  • [ontology-summit] Hackathon - Reference data for Anime and Manga. Project status update., Victor Agroskin <=