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Re: [ontology-summit] OntologySummit2014 session-07: Hackathon Launch -

To: Ontology Summit 2014 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Sund Ojo <sundojo2000@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 08:35:35 +0200
Message-id: <CADzZEZQsDqNUdtBcBWHJVVDu6f_KeQv4mt+WcA=Kq9HuBd1Wtw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Will attend. Sunday
On 25 Feb 2014 06:02, "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> .
> Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_02_27
> Dear Colleagues,
> After six excellent and well attended "OntologySumit2014: Big Data
> and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology" virtual sessions covering
> different aspects of the technical discourse, we shift gear, this
> week, to Launch the OntologySummit2014 Hackathon. This year's
> Hackathon builds on the success of the OntologySummit2013 Hackathon,
> and is expected to be a fun-fill day of hands-on work that will be
> carried out, round the clock, on Satursday Mar-29. Come find out
> what's being proposed, and how your participation might make a
> difference.
> ****************** Headlines ******************
> Please join us this Thursday at the Ontology Summit virtual session.
> Thereafter, activities will be rolling out every week, until end
> April, 2014. In particular, please join us every Thursday, when we
> will be featuring panel sessions as part of the Ontology Summit 2014
> program:
> *Thu 27 Feb 2014* - OntologySummit2014 session-07 - Track E: Hackathon
> Launch - Co-Chairs: Mr. Anatoly Levenchuk & Mr. Dan Brickley
> - ref. details on the session page at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_02_27
> *Thu 6 Mar 2014* - OntologySummit2014 session-08 - Track A: Common
> Reusable Semantic Content - II - Co-champions: Dr. Gary Berg-Cross,
> Ms. Andrea Westerinen, Mr. Mike Bennett - ref. developing details
> on the session page at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_03_06
> *Thu 13 Mar 2014* - OntologySummit2014 session-09 - Track B: Making
> use of Ontologies: Tools, Services, and Techniques - II -
> Co-Champions: Professor Alan Rector & Dr. Christoph Lange
> - see developing details on the session page at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_03_13
> * between now and end Apr-2014, we are planning to run virtual panel
> sessions every Thursday at the same time window, ~ 2 Hrs, starting
> 9:30am PT / 12:30pm ET ... please mark your calendars.
> *Register your attendance* by emailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> off-line
> or register yourself directly to the wiki session page. Please specify
> the date of name of the session(s) you are registering for. ... RSVP!
> ****** OntologySummit2014 Session-07 ********
> This session begins with an introduction to the OntologySummit
> Hackathon activities, and what is being planned for this year's
> Hackathon. After that, Leaders of the Hackathon Projects that have
> been proposed will brief us on their projects - their goals and
> expected results, tools and datasets involved, solicit for
> participants they are looking for to join them during the day of the
> Hackathon (Sat 2014.03.29), and the skills and background reading that
> would be pertinent for potential participants.
> The briefings will be followed by a open Q&A and Discussion segment,
> when the entire community will chime is, making suggestions for
> additional projects, elaborating and enhancing proposed projects, as
> well as teaming up in preparation for the Mar-29 (Saturday) Hackathon
> Day.
> See developing details of the OntologySummit2014 Hackathon at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014_Hackathon
> Details for this session can be found at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_02_27
> ********************* Details ************************
> This is our 9th Ontology Summit, an annual joint initiative by NIST,
> Ontolog, NCOR, NCBO, IAOA & NCO_NITRD with the support of our
> co-sponsors. The theme adopted for this Ontology Summit is: "Big Data
> and Semantic Web Meet Applied Ontology."
> Since the beginnings of the Semantic Web, ontologies have played key
> roles in the design and deployment of new semantic technologies. Yet
> over the years, the level of collaboration between the Semantic Web
> and Applied Ontology communities has been much less than expected.
> Within Big Data applications, ontologies appear to have had little
> impact.
> This year's Ontology Summit is an opportunity for building bridges
> between the Semantic Web, Linked Data, Big Data, and Applied Ontology
> communities. On the one hand, the Semantic Web, Linked Data, and Big
> Data communities can bring a wide array of real problems (such as
> performance and scalability challenges and the variety problem in Big
> Data) and technologies (automated reasoning tools) that can make use
> of ontologies. On the other hand, the Applied Ontology community can
> bring a large body of common reusable content (ontologies) and
> ontological analysis techniques. Identifying and overcoming ontology
> engineering bottlenecks is critical for all communities.
> OntologySummit2014 will pose and address the primary challenges in
> these areas of interaction among the different communities. The Summit
> activities will bring together insights and methods from these
> different communities, synthesize new insights, and disseminate
> knowledge across field boundaries.
> Following earlier Ontology Summit practice, the synthesized results of
> this season's discourse will be published as a Communique.
> See developing details at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014 (homepage
> for this summit)
> ---
> These sessions, like all Ontolog virtual events, are open and free of
> charge. Anyone who is interested, or (better still) who may have
> something to contribute, is welcome. Please refer to event details on
> the session pages, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you
> will find session agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other
> pertinent information. Please help us spread the word by relaying this
> message to other relevant community mailing lists, and ask colleagues
> of your who may also find these sessions to be of interest to come
> join us.
> *RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add
> yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog or
> Ontology Summit community member) so that we can prepare enough
> resources to support everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the
> session you are registering for in your email.] ... All respondents
> will be subscribed (if they aren't already so) to the
> [ontology-summit] mailing list so they are participate in the virtual
> discourse.
> These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly
> accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure
> you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32).
> Regards.  =ppy
> For and on behalf of the
> OntologySummit2014 session-07 Co-chairs,
> Anatoly Levenchuk & Dan Brickley
> and Members of the
> OntologySummit2014 Organizing Committee
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014
> p.s. see more details on the OntologySummit program at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2014 where you
> will find links to the full proceedings for previous sessions of this
> series at their respective session pages. In particular, the
> proceedings of the Launch Event, which provided an great overview of
> this Ontology Summit, is available
> at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2014_01_16
> --
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