Ram and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to making the Ontology Summit 2011 Symposium such a great success this year.
1) Thanks to the Lead Editors of the Communique (which is now available and ready to be endorsed by those who were not physically present at NIST yesterday) and the co-champions of individual Tracks.
Lead Editors of the Communique: MichaelUschold, JohnBateman, MillsDavis, JohnSowa.
Co-Champions of the Tracks:
Track 1 Ontology Usage Framework: MichaelGruninger, MichaelUschold, NicolaGuarino
Track 2: Applications and Case Studies: MillsDavis, MikeBennett
Track 3: Value Metrics, Value Models and the Value Proposition: ToddSchneider, RexBrooks
Track 4: Strategies for "Making the Case": MatthewWest, PeterYim
Track 5: Grand Challenges: RamSriram, ErnieLucier, AldenDima.
2) Thanks to our excellent panelists: GeorgeStrawn, GeorgeThomas, DennisWisnosky, BillAndersen, MichaelGruninger, NicolaGuarino.
3) Thanks also to the General Chairs: NicolaGuarino and SteveRay.
4) Thanks also to Ontolog/CIM3 infrastructure support: PeterYim.
5) Thanks to NIST management, and NIST on-site and behind-the-scenes administration and facilities support: CitaFurlani, Mark Carlisle, and Janet Madison.
6) Thanks to our post-session contributors and organizers: DougSkuce, JohnSowa.
7) Thanks to all of our Ontology Summit 2011 contributors and Ontology Summit 2011 Symposium participants: you know who you are, and so do we.
8) Finally, thanks to all who we might have inadvertently missed thanking above.
Peter will shortly be posting links to the updated Communique, the proposed Ontology Summit 2011 Post-Mortem telecon, and other relevant links.
Ram and Leo