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[ontology-summit] Fwd: Ontologist Aptitude Test?

To: Ontology Summit 2010 discussion <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Joel Bender <jjb5@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2009 08:55:37 -0500
Message-id: <C3B49760-F8BB-4764-9469-5CFA5BAA7935@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi all,    (01)

I originally posted this to the ontolog-forum and Peter suggested that I post 
it here as well.  I thought of these questions after yesterday's presentations, 
but wasn't sure if it should have been in this list or that list.  Problem 
solved, they're in both!    (02)

> We are regularly confronted with tests at the end of an academic period 
>(year, semester, or course).  In New York State we have a subject specific 
>"Regents Exams" and "Scholastic Aptitude Tests" or a "Scholastic Assessment 
>Tests" (they keep changing the name), at the end of 4-year degree programs we 
>have "Graduate Record Exams".
> - What questions would you put on an OAT?
> - Would a "systems architect" be able to sufficiently answer the question?
> - Could a "programmer"?
> - Could an "analyst"?
> Less specifically, is there a base line set of knowledge (vocabulary, 
>history, symbol/graph interpretation, compositional/decompositional 
>techniques) that you would expect every ontologist to know?    (03)

As (memberOf @me (union (programmerClass analystClass systemsArchitect))) I 
could easily think of questions pertaining to set theory, graph theory, 
unification (Prolog) and syntax (RDF, N3, OWL).  But that wouldn't be treating 
it any differently than gallimaufry of Mathematics and Computer Science.  What 
about nomenclature, taxonomy, etymology, hermeneutics (or anything else in 
linguistics)?    (04)

Joel    (05)

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