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Re: [ontology-summit] [Quality] What means

To: Ontology Summit 2008 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx>
From: <phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:28:03 -0400
Message-id: <28867.1205951283@xxxxxxxxxxx>

>>Barry summarized very well what the goal of gatekeeping is: "if an OOR
>>is to be useful, then potential users need to have reliable
>>expectations as to what it will contain".
Pat Hayes:
>It seems to me that the best way - perhaps the only way - to 
>determine this, is to read the ontology itself (or to put it through 
>more dynamic tests, such as inputting to a reasoner or trying its 
>effect on a battery of test cases.)  What more does Barry expect by 
>way of telling a potential user what it will contain?     (01)

Barry Smith:
My idea is that the OOR gatekeeper function would include basic things like:    (02)

a guarantee that the ontology has passed certain dynamic tests
a guarantee that the ontology is open source
a guarantee that the ontology has unique IDs for its terms and acceptable
versioning policies
a guarantee that the ontology is adequately labeled
a guarantee that the ontology has a plurality of users    (03)

The OBO Foundry (http://obofoundry.org) is working towards a situation where
Foundry ontologies will have been peer reviewed for accuracy as representations
of the corresponding domain; in the even longer run towards a situation where
they will be one unique recommended Foundry ontology for each domain biomedical
domain.    (04)

>>The question that we need to
>>answer is: In order to archive this goal of gatekeeping, do we have to
>>ban all ontologies that don't meet (i-v)?
>Clearly not. All this is required is open access to the actual 
>ontology. IMO this is the only criterion whose necessity is worth 
>serious discussion.    (05)

Clearly so. If all that is required is open access to the actual ontology, then
there is no need for the ontology to be, in addition, a member of the OOR. It 
be just somewhere on the web.     (06)

Repositories built thus far with loose or strictly syntactic gatekeeping
criteria, e.g. the great http://www.daml.org/ontologies/ or the partially silly
http://www.schemaweb.info/, actually make life harder for potential users. Thus
the former has (when I last looked) 39 different ontologies for 'agent', all
covering more or less the same ground (some of them call agents 'agents', others
call them 'Agents', etc.).    (07)

BS    (08)

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