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[ontolog-invitation] ANNOUNCE: IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology specia

To: "Ontolog Invitation (ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Obrst, Leo J." <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 01:18:26 +0000
Message-id: <FDFBC56B2482EE48850DB651ADF7FEB02E752261@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Re: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?IAOA_SWAO_ConferenceCall_2013_11_25  


Dear All,


We will have our initial IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology Special Interest Group (SIG) telecon on Monday, 25-Nov-2013. You are cordially invited to join us ... RSVP Now (details below)!


* Date: Date: Monday, 25-Nov-2013

* Start Time: 7:00 am PDT / 10:00 am EST / 4:00 pm CET / 15:00 GMT/UTC

** ref: World Clock -


* Expected Call Duration: ~2.0 hours


*Register your attendance* by emailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> off-line or register yourself directly to the wiki session page. Please specify the date or name of the session(s) you are registering for (your affiliation too, if you are not already a member of the community.)


=  IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology (SWAO) SIG: Inaugural Meeting =




The purpose of this session is to begin to form a Semantic Web Applied Ontology Special Interest Group (SIG) in the International Association for Ontology and its Applications (IAOA): http://iaoa.org/. This SIG aims to fill the gap between the Semantic Web community and the IAOA community.  


Often the two communities seem to think they have nothing in common, whereas some of us believe they share many common goals, common technologies, and a common interest in well-engineered applied ontologies. Many of us in IAOA promote and use Semantic Web technologies and reasoning methods; similarly, many in the Semantic Web community advocate more rigorous and principled ontologies based on ontological analysis. Therefore, we have proposed a Semantic Web Applied Ontology SIG to bridge the gap between our two communities before it gets wider. This SIG would support communication and collaboration with our colleagues in the Semantic Web (and Linked Data) community.


This is the initial meeting of IAOA members and non-members. Are you interested in this SIG? What do you think the SIG should do? How might the SIG work to bridge the gap? Would you participate in the SIG? 




    1. A short description of the IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology special interest group, and a brief charter.   

    2. This SIG will support communication and collaboration with our colleagues in the Semantic Web (and Linked Data) community (some of us are members of both communities). How will the SIG do that? What activities should we promote?  

    3. How should we structure this SIG? How often should we meet?  

    4. Who is interested in co-chairing this SIG? As with all IAOA SIGs and Committees, leadership is highly valued, but does require some time commitment, though this should not be onerous.  


Session Chair: Dr. Leo Obrst (IAOA EC)


Panelists / Briefings:


* Professor Michael Gruninger (IAOA President, U of Toronto)

* Professor PascalHitzler (Wright State U) - "Ontologies in a data-driven world: finding the middle ground"

And others.


Although this session is the inaugural event for the IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology Special Interest Group (SIG), for which one must be an IAOA member to join and participate in, this initial session is open to all interested parties, whether one is a member of IAOA or not.  We of course welcome non-members to join the IAOA and participate in the SWAO SIG after this initial session. You’ll like IAOA, and you can valuably contribute to the SWAO SIG and other IAOA initiatives.


Please refer to event details on the session pages, to which the hyperlink is given above, where you will find session agenda, conference call dial-in, slides and other pertinent information. Feel free to pass this invitation along to colleagues who may also find these sessions to be of interest.


*RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog community member) so that we can prepare enough resources to support everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the session you are registering for in your email; your affiliation too, if you are not a community member.]


These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32).




Leo Obrst for the IAOA Executive Council


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  • [ontolog-invitation] ANNOUNCE: IAOA Semantic Web Applied Ontology special interest group: initial telecon, Monday, Nov. 25, Obrst, Leo J. <=