Tom and Pat, (01)
>> The main point of this passage is that others beside myself do not
>> agree with conflating existence claims and the "Some" quantifier. (02)
> And as you may be surprised to hear I also agree with you on this
> point, but not on the need to revise the machinery of logic to
> accommodate this. (03)
I agree with both of you on the first point. (04)
On the second point, I'd like to mention that there are many versions
of logic (3-valued, multi-valued, intuitionist logic, relevance logic,
modal logics, fuzzy logics, etc., etc...). (05)
Different logics may include various ontological commitments.
If anybody prefers different commitments, they're free to adopt them. (06)
But my opinion about traditional FOL is that it's very convenient
for many purposes. It ain't broke. So don't fix it. (07)
John (08)
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