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Re: [ontolog-forum] Babelnet

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Kingsley Idehen <kidehen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 10:33:22 -0500
Message-id: <5491A242.5030405@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
On 12/17/14 8:53 AM, John F Sowa wrote:
Babelnet was derived by relating versions of Wikipedia in 271 languages
to various lexical resources, such as WordNet.

It is not an ontology, but it could be a useful resource for
various projects.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Corpora-List] BabelNet 3.0 now out!
Date: 	Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:14:40 +0100
From: 	Roberto Navigli <navigli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

RELEASE OF BABELNET 3.0, http://babelnet.org

We are proud to announce the release of BabelNet 3.0, a project funded
by the European Research Council (ERC) and headed by prof. Roberto
Navigli <http://wwwusers.di.uniroma1.it/~navigli> at the Sapienza
University of Rome.

BabelNet is a very large multilingual encyclopedic dictionary
and semantic network created by means of the seamless integration
of the largest multilingual Web encyclopedia - i.e., Wikipedia -
with the most popular computational lexicon of English - i.e.,
WordNet, and other lexical resources such as Wiktionary, OmegaWiki,
Wikidata, and the Open Multilingual WordNet.

The integration is performed via an automatic linking algorithm and
by filling in lexical gaps with the aid of Machine Translation. The
result is an encyclopedic dictionary that provides Babel synsets,
i.e., concepts and named entities lexicalized in many languages
and connected with large amounts of semantic relations.

Version 3.0comes with the following features:

* Brand-new user interface <http://babelnet.org>

* New RESTful API available via the BabelNet 3.0 beta program
<http://babelnet.org/download> (open until January 31st, 2015,
of particular interest to institutions and companies)

* 271 languages now covered!

* Improved accuracy of our seamless integration of WordNet, Open
Multilingual WordNet, Wikipedia, OmegaWiki, Wikidata, Wiktionary

* 13.7M Babel synsets

* 117M Babel senses

* 40.3M textual definitions

* 354M semantic relations

* Fully taxonomized thanks to the seamless integration of our Wikipedia
Bitaxonomy <http://wibitaxonomy.org/>

* 10M synset-associated images

* Around 2 billion RDF triples available via a public SPARQL endpoint
(<http://babelnet.org/rdf>, available *before Christmas*)

More statistics are available at:<http://babelnet.org/stats>


Also note that they have a SPARQL endpoint [1], and publish data in Linked Open Data (LOD) form [2].


[1] http://babelnet.org:8084/sparql/ -- SPARQL Endpoint
[2] http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/9C75SWDV -- SPARQL Query Results Page which is also a Linked Open Data exploration start point
[3] http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/c/9BLP2WAQ -- showing how changing &query to &qtxt returns you to the query definition from query results page.


Kingsley Idehen	      
Founder & CEO 
OpenLink Software     
Company Web: http://www.openlinksw.com
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Personal WebID: http://kingsley.idehen.net/dataspace/person/kidehen#this

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