Due to multiple requests the STIDS paper submission deadline has been extended
to September 12.
Please see details in the updated CFP below. (01)
Apologies for duplicate copies.
Adobe pdf version available at:
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community at LinkedIn STIDS Group:
http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=2626426&trk=hb_side_g (02)
Ninth International Conference on Semantic Technologies
for Intelligence, Defense, and Security - STIDS 2014
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA
November 18-21, 2014
*********************************************************************** (03)
The Ninth International Conference on Semantic Technology for
Intelligence, Defense, and Security (STIDS 2014) will be held in
November 2014 at Dewberry Hall in the Johnson Center. The main
conference will be held on November 1920, with a tutorial session on
November 18 and a classified session at a venue to be announced for
those with TS/SCI clearances on November 21. STIDS provides a forum
for academia, government, and industry to share the latest research on
semantic technology for defense, intelligence, and security
applications. Semantic technology is a fundamental enabler to achieve
greater flexibility, precision, timeliness, and automation of analysis
and response to rapidly evolving threats. (04)
This year the STIDS theme will be semantics in support of collaboration.
Paper submissions related to this topic are most welcome, though there
is no requirement for submissions to conform to the theme. (06)
STIDS is an opportunity for collaboration and cross-fertilization
between researchers and practitioners of semantic-based technology with
particular experience in the problems facing the Intelligence, Defense,
and Security communities. It will feature invited talks from prominent
semantic technology researchers and recognized leaders from the target
application domains. To facilitate interchange among communities with a
clear commonality of interest but little history of interaction, STIDS
encourages submissions that showcase original, significant research as
well as papers that present implementations and lessons learned or
discuss, compare, and evaluate the use of semantic techniques. However,
in the tradition of an academic conference, submissions are expected to
make a tangible contribution to the field of semantics, and so
marketing white papers and the like will not be accepted. (08)
STIDS welcomes the submission of papers on semantic technology and on-
tology relevant to the fields of Intelligence, Defense, and Security. We
are especially interested in papers on the following topics: (010)
Best practices in ontological engineering
Biology and health
Command and Control (C2) and Situation Awareness (SA)
Conditions that foster or inhibit outbreak of violence
Controlled substance interception
Course-of-action planning
Cyberspace: defense, exploitation, and counter-attack
Decision making
Emergency response
Ethnicity, religion, culture, and politics
Financial analysis
Human factors
Infrastructure protection
Information sharing
Intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination
International law
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
Money laundering
Predictive analysis
Provenance, source credibility, and evidential pedigree
Risk analysis
Science and Technology (S&T)
Sensors and intelligence collection
Social networks
Spatial and temporal phenomena
Uncertainty as it relates to ontologies and reasoning
Usability issues
Vulnerability assessment (011)
Submissions of technical papers or extended abstracts are welcomed. Each
submission will be evaluated for acceptability by at least three members
of the Program Committee. Decisions about acceptance will be based on
relevance to the above topic list, originality, potential
significance, and clarity. Because all accepted papers are to be
presented at the conference, we require that at least one of the
submitting authors must be a registered participant committed to
attending STIDS 2014. All accepted authors will be invited to
participate in a poster and demo session to provide an opportunity for
extended informal discussion. Submissions are accepted only in
electronic format and must closely follow the US Letter version of the
IEEE format for conference proceedings. For complete details and to
download LATEX and MS Word templates, choose the US Letter size from the
IEEEs Manuscript Template webpage. Technical pa- pers must have between
six and eight pages, including figures. Extended abstracts must have
between two and four pages. Submissions outside these limits will not be
reviewed. In addition, papers that, at the time of submission, are under
review for or have already been published in or accepted for publication
in a journal or another conference will not be accepted to the STIDS
conference. Submissions for the general session must be unclassified and
releasable in a public forum. They should be sent via the conferences
submission site. Details on submissions for the classified session will
be posted on Intelink. (013)
September 12 Paper submission deadline (extended)
October 10 Paper acceptance notification (postponed)
October 17 Early bird rates end
October 24 Camera-ready papers due
November 14 Presentations due
November 18 Tutorials
November 1920 Main Conference
November 21 Classified Session (015)
General Chair:
Paulo Costa, George Mason University
Technical Chairs:
Ian Emmons, Raytheon BBN Technologies
Kathryn Laskey, George Mason University
Publicity Chairs:
William Mandrick, Data Tactics Corporation
Alessandro Oltramari, Carnegie Mellon University (017)
We look forward to seeing you in Fairfax! (018)
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