11th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED)
Riva del Garda, October 17th - 18th, 2014 co-located with ISWC 2014
http://www.w3.org/community/owled/workshop-2014/ (02)
Important Dates (All deadlines are Hawaii time)
� Paper submission due: EXTENDED!!! August 4, 2014
� Acceptance notifications: September 5, 2014
� Final papers due: September 18, 2014
� OWLED workshop: 17-18 October, 2014 (04)
OWLED is now also a Community Group at the W3C.
Everyone is invited to participate:http://www.w3.org/community/owled/ (05)
The aim of the OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop (OWLED) is to establish
an international forum for the OWL community, where practitioners in industry
and academia, tool developers and others interested in OWL can describe real
and potential applications, share experience and discuss requirements for
language extensions/modifications. OWL has become the representational model of
choice for supporting interoperability in many industries. This has been made
possible thanks also to the development of numerous OWL reasoning systems that
efficiently deal with both intensional (ontologies) and extensional (data)
query answering. In this edition we aim to bridge the gap with the reasoner
evaluation community and welcome the submission of papers describing
challenging ontologies and/or tasks to be represented in OWL and processed by
OWL reasoners. It also welcomes proposals for improving the OWL 2 standard. (06)
This year, we would like to invite submissions of the following types of papers: (07)
Technical papers: All submissions must be in English and be no longer than 12
pages (including references). Papers that exceed this limit will be rejected
without review. These papers should present research, implementation
experience, and reports on the above and related topics. Space will be reserved
for authors to present their work at the workshop. (08)
Short papers (4-6 pages, including references): These papers should present
work that is in an early stage and/or include publishable (novel) implemented
systems that are of interest to the OWLED community; and (in case of an
implemented system), can be demonstrated at the workshop. (09)
All submissions must be must be in PDF, and must adhere to the Springer LNCS
style. For more details, see Springer�s Author Instructions:
http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0. (010)
Papers can be submitted online using the Easychair Conference system: (011)
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=owled2014 (012)
Papers related to any aspects of OWL and extensions, applications, theory,
methods and tools, are welcome. (013)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: (014)
- Application driven requirements for OWL
- Applications of OWL, particularly
- from industry or
- for data integration
- for service interoperability
- for sophisticated/non-obvious inference
- for knowledge discovery
- and within specific domains such as
- law
- bio and biomed
- eLearning
- Experience of using OWL: notably, highly expressive ontologies or the
OWL 2 Profiles
- Evaluation of OWL tools e.g. reasoners
- Benchmarks for OWL tools
- Performance and scalability issues and improvements
- Extensions to OWL
- OWL and Rules
- Implementation techniques and experience reports
- Non-standard reasoning service (implementation and requirements for)
- Explanation
- Ontology comprehension and verbalisation
- Multilingual OWL
- Modelling issues
- Tools, including editors, visualisation, parsers and syntax checkers
- Collaborative editing of ontologies
- Versioning of OWL ontologies
- Alignment of OWL ontologies
- Modularity
- Query answering with OWL
- Linked Data and OWL (015)
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