On Jul 31, 2013, at 8:16 AM, Patrick Cassidy wrote:
The only ones who really know the "meaning" of a word are the ones who
created the text. It would not be too difficult to have creators of text
label the senses that they intend, and through a series of iterations, find
a set of senses that text creators and text annotators can agree on with a
precision that would satisfy Mrs. Elliott.
I'd be willing to argue that it's the "secondary" (#2 & onwards) readers of text who would be more highly motivated to annotate ambiguous terms.
A secondary reader is going to have to figure out what the text means for the current context. I would guess that if there were reasonably useful annotation tools, the secondary readers/authors could learn that annotation is simply part of their climbing the learning curve with foreign material.
For the original author, they've been working with the material for a while & understand it... as is "perfectly" reflected in their crystal-clear & entirely unambiguous writings. [riiiiiight]
I find little interest at NLP meetings for work of that kind.
Certainly no surprise there.