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[ontolog-forum] CFP: ISWC 2013 Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Pat

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Michael Gruninger <gruninger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 16:35:05 -0400
Message-id: <51D5DC79.8080400@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
WOP2013 Call for papers - ISWC 2013 Workshop on Ontology and Semantic 
Web Patterns (4th edition)    (01)

=== Apologies for multiple postings ===
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Call for Papers
  4th Workshop on Ontology and Semantic Web Patterns (WOP2013)    (03)

http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2013    (04)

October 21st or 22nd, 2013
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre in Darling Harbour, Australia    (05)

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Submission deadline - July 12, 2013 (11:59pm Hawaii time)
*****************************************************************************************************    (07)

This workshop provides an arena for proposing and discussing ontology 
and semantic web patterns,
solutions to relevant problems of research and practice in the Semantic 
The aim is to broaden the pattern community that will develop its own 
"language" for discussing and describing ontology and semantic web 
The workshop will be held in conjunction with ISWC2013 and will be a 
half-day event.    (08)

---- Research papers -----    (09)

The main aim of the workshop is to discuss and collect solutions to 
recurrent problems that matter to researchers and practitioners of the 
Semantic Web field, and that impact on design and engineering of 
ontologies, linked data, knowledge extraction, and other semantic web 
applications. Original research papers are invited to consider the 
following (non exhaustive) list of topics:    (010)

Ontology Design Patterns (ODP)
- foundations of ODP
- automatic extraction of ODP
- ODP-based ontologies
- domain specific ODP and application use cases
- anti-Patterns or pitfalls in ontology modeling
- foundational ODP
- ODP and their relations with standards
- analysis of ODP usage
- evaluation of ODP (methods, benchmarks)
- languages for representing ODP
- ODP as context for reasoning    (011)

Semantic Web patterns
- Patterns in semantic wikis, blogs, social networks
- Linked data patterns and their relation to ODP
- NLP patterns and linguistic frames and their relation to ODP and 
linked data
- Reasoning patterns
- Data and graph mining patterns and their relation to ODP and linked data
- navigation/browsing patterns and their relation to ODP and linked data
- Reengineering patterns for conceptual models, folksonomies, lexicons, 
thesauri    (012)

Tools, methods and applications
- pattern-based knowledge and ontology engineering
- architectural patterns for semantic web applications
- ODP and linked data visualization
- pattern-based ontology and linked data learning
- N-ary fact extraction and representation    (013)

---- Submissions ----    (014)

We invite the submission of original research results related to the 
focus areas of the workshop. Research papers (maximum 12 pages LNCS 
style) should present mature work and document established results, or 
be short papers presenting proposed research directions and novel ideas 
(maximum 4 pages LNCS style).    (015)

Submission instructions at 
http://ontologydesignpatterns.org/wiki/WOP:2013/Submission    (016)

---- Review process and publication ----    (017)

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers, final 
accept/reject decisions are made by the chairs based on these reviews. 
Notification of acceptance will be sent out by August 9th. Acceptance is 
conditional, meaning that only accepted papers that perform the changes 
requested by the reviewers (will be checked carefully by the chairs) and 
submit their camera ready version by August 31st, and where at least one 
author registers for the workshop, will be included in the proceedings 
and in the workshop program. Please note that ISWC usually do NOT allow 
"workshop-only" registrations, i.e. registering for the workshop will 
therefore mean to register for the main conference + WOP.    (018)

Accepted research papers and pattern descriptions will be published 
online as CEUR-Workshop Proceedings.    (019)

---- Important Dates (2013, 11:59 Hawaii time) ----    (020)

* Submission deadline (research papers and patterns) - July 12th
* Notification of acceptance (research papers and patterns) - August 9th
* Camera ready deadline (research papers and pattern abstracts) - August 
* Workshop date - October 21st or 22nd    (021)

---- WOP2013 Chairs ----    (022)

Papers -- Valentina Presutti, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT), Michael Gruninger, 
University of Toronto (CA)
Patterns - Ansgar Scherp, University of Mannheim (DE), Laurent Lefort, 
CSIRO (Australia), ICT Centre in Canberra    (023)

Steering Committee    (024)

Eva Blomqvist, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT)
Aldo Gangemi, LIPN Paris Sorbonne Cite Paris 13 (FR)
Natasha Noy, Stanford University (US)
Valentina Presutti, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT)
Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK)
Francois Scharffe, INRIA (FR)
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz(DE)
Chris Welty, IBM Research (US)    (025)

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