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Re: [ontolog-forum] A minor point I noticed

To: Ronald Stamper <stamper.measur@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Pat Hayes <phayes@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2013 13:37:26 -0600
Message-id: <25A1318B-E68E-48B6-9020-D6201D252C60@xxxxxxx>

On Feb 11, 2013, at 1:18 PM, Ronald Stamper wrote:    (01)

> Thank you someone for the pointer to Datomics where I found this:  “Datomic 
>info model: a set of facts … things that have happened  . . .  while the past 
>may be forgotten, it is immutable.”
> Not so.  Along with directives, assertions etc, we also have, among our 
>speech acts, palinodes to annul or retract propositions used to understand the 
>world we share.  The trodden foot may be expunged effectively from memory by a 
>sincere apology; a court of appeal may quash a conviction etc.    (02)

But none of this changes the past. What they all do, like all other actions, is 
change the future: the quashed conviction remains quashed (from now on) rather 
than remaining a conviction (from now on). But the history, of a conviction 
having been made and then quashed, remains and is indeed immutable. The apology 
may cancel the hurt of the tread, but it does not make the trodden foot 
retrospectively untrodden.     (03)

Pat    (04)

> In the social world we continually make mistakes and not infrequently act on 
>them irreversibly.  We must take care not to base our information systems, 
>most of which have social implications, on idealised physical theories. 
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