On 2/9/2013 6:57 AM, Anders Tell wrote:
> Btw Tendency, is there a reason why (cap-)ability is not a subtype of
> Tendency? (01)
There is a simple way to check how words are related to one another:
look them up in a good dictionary. (02)
To automate the procedure, you can use the tools and methods of formal
concept analysis (FCA). See the FCA home page: (03)
http://www.upriss.org.uk/fca/fca.html (04)
Fortunately, those tools have been applied to both WordNet and Roget's
Thesaurus. If you want to see a lattice of words related to any word
in WordNet, type it to (05)
http://www.ketlab.org.uk/wordnet.html (06)
For comparison, you can check the same words in Roget's Thesaurus: (07)
http://www.ketlab.org.uk/roget.html (08)
Neither WordNet nor Roget's Thesaurus is a formal ontology, but the FCA
methods applied to them give you a quick overview of the patterns of
usage by English speakers. If your formal definitions deviate too far
from those patterns, people are likely to make mistakes when they use
your ontology (or software based on your ontology). (09)
John (010)
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