Yes. see: (01)
-- (02)
On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 9:06 AM, Pavithra <pavithra_kenjige@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter
> Are you all meeting today again or what?
> Pavithra (03)
> ________________________________
> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
> To: [ontolog-forum] <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 2:42 AM
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Ontology Summit 2013 - pre-launch community
> input and planning - Thu 2012.12.13
> Re:
> == REMINDER: ==
> This is the final reminder that our pre-launch brainstorm session for
> Ontology Summit 2013 coming up today (Dec-13).
> If you want to influence the outcome of the next Ontology Summit, you
> don't want to miss this ... RSVP now (details below) if you haven't
> already!
> Talk to you all then!
> ... Those who are planning to help organize the event, please make
> sure you can join us on both the Thursday and the Friday meetings!
> Regards. =ppy
> --
> ---------- [updated message - 2012.12.11] ----------
> From: Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
> Date: Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 11:28 PM
> Subject: Ontology Summit 2013 - pre-launch community input and
> planning - Thu 2012.12.13
> To: "[ontolog-invitation]" <ontolog-invitation@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Re:
> Dear Colleagues,
> You are cordially invited to participate in our (pre-launch)
> community-wide brainstorming and planning session and help drive the
> outcome by helping refine the ideas, program, organization and process
> for the upcoming 2013 OntologySummit season.
> Based on input collected and considering what would be of strategic
> importance to the ontology domain that is worthy of focusing the
> energy of the OntologySummit community into, the co-organizers has
> picked "Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle" as the
> theme for this Summit.
> This is the 8th year we are organizing this annual, international,
> open OntologySummit event. The general format of the event comprises a
> series of both virtual and face-to-face activities that span about 3
> months (roughly, January through mid April each year). These
> activities include a vigorous three-month online discourse on the
> theme of the Summit, which, for this upcoming season, virtual panel
> discussions, research activities, and so on, which will culminate in a
> two-day face-to-face workshop and symposium at NIST in Gaithersburg,
> Maryland, USA. Each year, we publish a Summit Communique to offer a
> message from the Summit participants to the world-at-large as a
> signature activity of the Ontology Summit series.
> Like last year, OntologySummit2013 is co-organized by Ontolog, NIST,
> ****************** Headlines ***********************
> Please join us on Thursday (Dec-13) at this community brainstorm session:
> *Thu 13 Dec 2012* - OntologySummit2013
> (Pre-launch) Community Input and Planning Session
> Co-chairs: Professor Michael Gruninger & Dr. Matthew West
> - see details on the session page at:
> The event will be 2-hour virtual panel sessions starting at: 9:30am
> PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC <--**updated**
> - see worldclock:
> *Register your attendance* by emailing <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> off-line
> or register yourself directly to the wiki session page (if you are
> already a part of the Ontolog community). Please include your
> affiliation and specify the date of the session(s) when you are
> writing in to register and specify date of the session you plan to
> attend. ... *RSVP now*!
> ********************* More Details ************************
> * Volunteers who want to join us in the organizing committee should be
> prepared to participate at the first organizing committee meeting- on
> Friday, 14-Dec-2012. (See details on the session page.) This will be a
> 2-Hr. virtual meeting starting Thu 2012.12.14 - 8:00am PST / 11:00am
> EST / 5:00pm CET / 16:00 GMT/UTC
> * Please also mark their calendars and plan to join us at the
> OntologySummit2013 Launch Event, scheduled for Thursday 17-Jan-2013.
> This will be a 2-Hr virtual panel session starting Fri 2013.01.17 -
> 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC
> ---
> This, and the rest of the Ontology Summit sessions, like all Ontolog
> virtual events, are open and free of charge. Anyone who is interested,
> or (better still) who may have something to contribute, is welcome.
> Please refer to event details on the session pages, to which the
> hyperlink is given above, where you will find session agenda,
> conference call dial-in, slides and other pertinent information. Feel
> free to pass this invitation along to colleagues who may also find
> these sessions to be of interest.
> *RSVP* by emailing Peter Yim at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> offline (or add
> yourself directly to the session page if you are already an Ontolog
> community member) so that we can prepare enough resources to support
> everyone. [Please state clearly the date of the session you are
> registering for in your email.]
> These sessions will be recorded and made available in a publicly
> accessible archive. Therefore, before participating, please make sure
> you are cognizant of our IPR policy (ref:
> Regards. =ppy
> For and on behalf of
> the OntologySummit2013 General Co-chairs,
> Michael Gruninger & Matthew West
> and the Ontology Summit Co-organizers,
> --
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michael Gruninger <mudcat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:47 PM
> Subject: [ontology-summit] Ontology Summit 2013
> To: Ontology Summit 2013 <ontology-summit@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Hello everyone,
> we are getting ready to start Ontology Summit 2013:
> "Ontology Evaluation Across the Ontology Lifecycle"
> Description, Goals, and Objectives:
> Currently, there is no agreed methodology for development of
> ontologies, and there are no universally agreed metrics for
> ontology evaluation. At the same time, everybody agrees that
> there a lot of badly engineered ontologies out there, thus
> people use -- at least implicitly -- some criteria for the
> evaluation of ontologies.
> The goal for Ontology Summit 2013 is to identify best practices for
> ontology development and evaluation.
> We will consider the entire lifecycle of an ontology -- from
> requirements gathering and analysis, through to design and
> implementation. In this endeavor, the Summit will seek collaboration
> with the software engineering and knowledge acquisition communities.
> Research in these fields has led to several mature models for the
> software lifecycle and the design of knowledge-based systems, and we
> expect that fruitful interaction among all participants will lead to a
> consensus for a methodology within ontological engineering.
> Following earlier Ontology Summit practice, the synthesized results
> of this season's discourse will be published as a Communique.
> Three keys dates are already locked in:
> (i) (pre-launch) community brainstorm and planning - Thu 2012.12.13 -
> starting 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC
> (ii) first organizing committee meeting - Fri 2012.12.14 - starting
> 8:00am PST / 11:00am EST / 5:00pm CET / 16:00 GMT/UTC
> (iii) OntologySummit2013 Launch Event - Thu 2013.01.17 - starting
> 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST / 6:30pm CET / 17:30 GMT/UTC
> Peter Yim will be sending a follow-up message with more information.
> Looking forward to everyone's participation in these events
> in preparation for this year's Summit!
> Michael Gruninger
> Ontology Summit 2013 Co-Chair
> --
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