>From <http://www.csail.mit.edu/node/1750>: (01)
The Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
at MIT today announced a major new initiative called bigdata@CSAIL
to tackle the challenges of the burgeoning field known as “big
data” -- data collections that are too big, growing too fast, or
are too complex for existing information technology systems to
handle. The announcement was made at an MIT event attended by
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who simultaneously announced
a new statewide initiative to establish Massachusetts as a hub of
big data research. (02)
If anyone in Ontolog is going to be a part of this initiative or is in tune
with this effort an occasional "status update" or "lessons learning" or
"surprises found" posting to the list would be appreciated. (03)
Joel (04)
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