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[ontolog-forum] Request for help with evaluation of OWL verbalisations.

To: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Alan Rector <rector@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 16:16:29 +0000
Message-id: <377E67D1-7DD1-4613-912A-EC37C6A5DB6A@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


Please help out with a few minutes of your time to fill in a short evaluation on work on verbalising OWL ontologies, in this case with specific respect to SNOMED.


Unlocking OWL Ontologies

Ontologies, even when presented in the more user-friendly Manchester OWL syntax (the one used in Protégé), can be impenetrable to the uninitiated. To address this problem, we have developed a system (named OntoVerbal) that automatically translates an OWL ontology into natural language text. We would be most grateful if you would to help us test the system by participating in a short (20 min) experiment that involves reading 10 such texts and translating them back into the corresponding OWL.

Please click on the link below for further details and instructions: 


All participants will be entered into a prize draw for Amazon vouchers: 

* 1st Prize: £50 ($80)
* 2nd Prize: £30 ($50)
* 3rd Prize: £20 ($30)

*** Please circulate this request to anyone you think may be interested ***

Alan Rector
Professor of Medical Informatics
School of Computer Science
University of Manchester
Manchester M13 9PL, UK
TEL +44 (0) 161 275 6149/6188
FAX +44 (0) 161 275 6204

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  • [ontolog-forum] Request for help with evaluation of OWL verbalisations., Alan Rector <=