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[ontolog-forum] Semantic Challenge

To: W3C HCLSIG hcls <public-semweb-lifesci@xxxxxx>, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: public-lod <public-lod@xxxxxx>, Semantic Web <semantic-web@xxxxxx>
From: Alexander Garcia Castro <alexgarciac@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Jun 2011 01:25:50 +0200
Message-id: <BANLkTimHUH-5sb6R6HMy0vVQSFr+0LSeZw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Everybody,

This is a quick reminder regarding the OCAS Challenge (OCAS, ISWC 2011 Workshop, see http://ocas.mywikipaper.org). The Challenge is domain independent; we want to see SW technology and ontologies in action. Papers submitted to other workshops and Challenges are welcome. We are interested in “Ontologies and Semantic Web technology come of age, how is the Semantic Web changing our experience of the Web?” Prizes are:

First place: US$ 2000

Second place: US$ 1000

Three third prizes of $500 each

For the OCAS Challenge we expect short papers (3 pages) describing the application. 

Those participating in the challenge should provide a three-page manuscript describing their software; from the manuscript it should be clear for judges:

  • Software availability: judges and general public should be able to access the software. In most cases this means that the software, ontologies and/or infrastructure is freely accessible -free software is not compulsory.
  • Semantic Web technology: how is this application making use of semantic web technology? How is this application making use of existing infrastructure? Data sources being used, etc.
  • How is it delivering new layers of functionality based on semantic data sources (linked data, RDF stores, ontologies, etc).
  • How is it delivering an intelligent interconnected experience to the end user?
  • What is the added value?
  • How is the Interconnectedness of semantic data sets being delivered to the end user? 
  • How are intelligence and interconnectivity being supported by the software or infrastructure?
  • Does the software or infrastructure represent a fundamental change for the domain rather than just an incremental improvement or just one of
    many added new features?

We would like to have applications from all domains. The GC is not limited to web based applications, mobile platforms for devices like iPAD, iphone, Galaxy, XOOM, HTC, etc are also accepted –strongly encouraged.  Authors submitting to other Challenges, workshops and conferences are welcome to also submit their work to the OCAS challenge.

For those who require high performance computing facilities our sponsor, http://protechsolutions.com/, will make them available free of charge. 

Submission should be via Easychair  https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocas2011

 All papers submitted for the OCAS Challenge should be formatted according to the LNCS format.


- Paper submission deadline: August 15
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: September 5
- Camera ready version due: September 16


Alexander Garcia

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