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[ontolog-forum] Russian search engine Yandex gets a semantic injection

To: public-semweb-lifesci-request@xxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Erick Antezana <erick.antezana@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 20:47:43 +0100
Message-id: <AANLkTin3VPed_NJDjPUS26DejcfGXjmjBN5HWGvU7Sy=@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
**Apologies for cross-posting but this news are interesing:**    (01)

Yandex, Russia’s leading search engine which is thought to be mulling
over an IPO for up to $1.5 billion, is rolling out a new feature today
that aims to make its search experience seem a lot more intelligent.    (02)

Dubbed “Spectrum” and claiming to be able to read users’ minds, it
uses what sounds like a combination of semantic technology and machine
learning to “infer implicit queries and return matching search
results.” In other words, Spectrum is able to make better sense of the
meaning of searches based on its own classification system.    (03)

It’s based on what Yandex describes as query statistics:    (04)

    The system analyses users’ searches and identifies objects like
personal names, films or cars. Each object is then classified into one
or more categories, e.g. ‘film’, ‘car’, ‘medicine’. For each category
there is a range of search intents. [For example] the ‘product’
category will have search intents such as buy something or read
customer reviews.    (05)

So we have a degree of natural language processing, taxonomy, all tied
into “intent”, which sounds like a very good recipe for highly
efficient advertising.    (06)

But what if a search query has many potential meanings? Yandex says
that Spectrum is able to choose the category and the range of
potential user intents for each query to match a user’s expectations
as close as possible. It does this by looking at historic search
patterns. If the majority of users searching for “gone with the wind”
expect to find a film, the majority of search results will be about
the film, not the book....    (07)

SOURCE:    (08)

http://eu.techcrunch.com/2010/12/15/russian-search-engine-yandex-gets-a-semantic-injection/    (09)

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