Thanks, John. (01)
My goals with this ontology are as much to learn about ontologies as
anything else. I won't know what use they might be with any certainly
until I understand them better. (02)
I'm a web application developer. Many of my applications require
somewhat complex authorization controls. I'm particularly interested in
attribute-based or some combination of attribute-based and role-based
access controls. I read an interesting article about using XACML and OWL
to create an access control system that's capable of making some
inferences. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me. (03)
Starting more simply, the first thing I'm trying to do is to model an
organizational hierarchy that is essentially a DAG. In simplified form,
it is a hierarchy of administrative units: (04)
State -> Region -> County -> District -> Town -> School (05)
But a particular unit can have two or more parents and can skip levels.
In other words, School A might be adminstered by both Town A <- District
A <- County A <- Region A <- State A and, say, Special District 1 <-
Region A <- State A, if that makes any sense. (06)
So a School (or higher unit) could report directly to a County or
Region, for example, but a Region could never report to a County or
School. The relationships always go in one direction. (07)
I am wondering how one would represent this sort of relationship using,
say, OWL and Protege. (08)
Down the road, I am hoping to build an extensive "expert system" of
sorts around a drink recipe database. Recipes would be entered in a
procedural way using a DSL (add ice to a mixing glass, add 1.5 oz dry
gin, .5 oz dry vermouth, 2 dashes of orange bitters, stir, strain into
chilled cocktail glass, garnish with a lemon twist). I envision the
ingredients as a large graph with numerous types of relationships
(whole/part: orange/orange peel; general/specific: bourbon/Maker's Mark;
etc.). I'd like the system to be able to recommend substitutions and
estimate what effect they would have. But that's a ways down the road... (09)
Any suggestions, ideas, comments, links, etc. very welcome. Am I way off
base here? (010)
Chas. (011)
On 06/12/2010 10:34 PM, John F. Sowa wrote:
> On 6/12/2010 3:04 PM, Charles F. Munat wrote:
>> I have questions about how to create an ontology with certain
>> restrictions. I am wondering if this is an appropriate forum
>> for such questions...
> This is probably as good a forum as any. The first questions
> I'd ask are what kinds of "restrictions" you had in mind and why.
> What kind of work are you doing? Why do you want an ontology?
> What difference would an ontology make in what you have been doing?
> How do you think it might help? What might you do with an ontology
> that you aren't able to do with your current approach?
> In short: What are you trying to do? And why?
> John Sowa
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