On Feb 26, 2010, at 12:04 AM, Peter Yim wrote: (01)
> We had, earlier today (Thursday 25-Feb-2010), one of the most exciting
> applications-oriented sessions at the Ontolog Forum. Our invited
> speakers, Dr. Tom Gruber and Mr. Adam Cheyer, made a presentation and
> demonstration on their Siri - Virtual Personal Assistant product, in a
> talk entitled: "Siri: An Ontology-driven Application for the Masses." (02)
I also really enjoyed the presentation and what they have built. I have
enjoyed using the application as well. (03)
> A huge "Thank You" goes out to Mr. Cheyer and Dr. Gruber for this
> great session. We appreciate your sharing with us, not just your
> product, but also the thoughts that went into the design, and some of
> the work under the hood. (04)
In related news, they have been bought by Apple: (05)
<http://news.cnet.com/8301-31021_3-20003671-260.html> (06)
I hope this is a welcome change for them and brings them new resources and
opportunities. With the assumption that it's a good thing, congratulations! (07)
Joel (08)
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