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[ontolog-forum] Ontologies as social mediators - Resolution, Scope and S

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Tolk, Andreas" <atolk@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2009 12:57:27 -0500
Message-id: <4839109173C2DF4FAE02C9C3FBEE973F2EAC61914A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hello all    (01)

> ... I have been trying to visualize the
> condition where objects, properties and relations change theri character
> and they become one of the other two as a result of mental operations.
> ... So jsut a few examples
> One of these operations is abstraction
> that helps you see the properties of an object and create a list of such
> properties.
> Then by taking one of those properties as an OBJECT, you can go on to
> define another set of properties.    (02)

In our work on model-based solution - where we try to find out if two models 
share information -, we tried to capture this idea in three categories: 
Resolution, Scope, and Structure. The properties build the scope of a concept. 
A house has (walls, windows, doors, floors, roof). The way the properties are 
modeled as property values are the resolution. The wall can be (dry wall, stone 
wall, ...).    (03)

Assuming that two models deal with the same set of concepts, the differ in 
scope if one concept is defined by a property that is not reflected in the 
other concept. The new house can, e.g., be described by (walls, floors, roof, 
and plumbing facilities). They have a different scope.    (04)

If one model only defines stone walls and dry wall, the other model, however, 
uses various kinds of stone plus wood and all other sort of materials, the 
differ in resolution.    (05)

For the single concept, the idea of structure did not become relevant, but it 
will be in comparing two world description. If two worlds use the same 
properties, but the properties are grouped into different concepts, they differ 
in structure. We already introduced the idea of number and letter world. We 
have four properties (a1, a2, b1, b2). Number world knows numbers, so the 
structure is 1 = (a1, b1); 2=(a2,b2). Letter world uses the letter logic and 
sees A=(a1,a2) and B=(b1,b2). Same scope, same resolution, but different 
structure.    (06)

The fun is that mixed forms happen often ... making it often hard to see what 
is happening on the first look.    (07)

All the best
==================== ;-)
Andreas Tolk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
Old Dominion University    (08)

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