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[ontolog-forum] Call for Patterns: WOP2009 @ ISWC 2009 - Deadline Extend

To: Semantic Web <semantic-web@xxxxxx>, neon-all <neon-all@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, tocai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, iks-all@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, underground@xxxxxxxxxxx, "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: valentina presutti <vpresutti@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 2009 14:13:55 -0700
Message-id: <BA336D3C-2B17-4204-B8CA-7F4BFCFF9A3D@xxxxxxxxx>
=== Apologies for multiple postings === 

                   2nd and Final Call for Papers                                        
    1st Workshop on Ontology Patterns (WOP2009)            


                           October 25th, 2009 
 Westfields Conference Center near Washington, DC 


Deadline extended - NEW deadline August 16

This workshop provides an arena for proposing and discussing good practices, patterns, pattern-based ontologies, systems etc. The aim is to broaden the pattern community that will develop its own “language” for discussing and describing relevant problems and their solutions. The workshop will be held in conjunction with ISWC2009 on October 25th. It will be a full-day workshop consisting of three parts; papers, posters, and “pattern writing” sessions. 

Specific focus is put on the “pattern writing” sessions as an opportunity for discussing and reaching consensus on best practices in the field. The pattern writing sessions are closely related to another interactive event series, namely VoCamps [1], since certain types of patterns are in fact small vocabularies. The main difference is that this workshop encompasses a broader range of patterns, and the focus is on engineering best practices. 

Pattern Topics 

Accepted patterns will be represented in the online CEUR-workshop proceedings through an extended abstract. Ontology design pattern (ODP) proposals for the “pattern writing” sessions will be collected through the ODP portal [2], and templates for submission [3] are provided for the following types of patterns (see general typology [4] for explanation of the types):

* Content patterns
* Structural patterns: logical and architecture patterns.
* Correspondence patterns: re-engineering and alignment patterns. 

For other types of patterns, or if the author wishes to elaborate on theoretical rather than practical aspects, a pattern description may be submitted as either a research or poster paper. A paper submission can be accompanied by a pattern submission, however the submissions will be reviewed separately. 


Patterns are submitted through the ODP portal [2,3], and reviewed by at least two members of the PC. Each accepted pattern will receive an advisor who acts as a discussion partner throughout the complete process. Accepted patterns are then described in an extended abstract, included in the CEUR workshop proceedings. Accepted patterns are to be improved based on the review comments, and additional improvements will be discussed during the workshop session. After the workshop, the patterns are considered for certification at the ODP portal. 

Best Pattern Award

Reviewers and workshop participants will together distinguish the best pattern submission, final decision to be made by the chairs. The best pattern award takes into account criteria such as the quality of the submission, the relevance and significance of the pattern, the presentation of the pattern, and the level of involvement of the author during the revision phase and discussion contributions during the workshop. 

Important Dates 

•    Submission deadline *EXTENDED* - August 16 
•    Notification of acceptance - September 7 
•    Workshop date - October 25 

PC members 

WOP2009 Chairs 

Papers - Kurt Sandkuhl, Jönköping University(SE) 
Posters - Vojtech Svatek, University of Economics(CZ) 
Patterns -Eva Blomqvist, StLab ISTC-CNR(IT) and Francois Scharffe, INRIA(FR) 

Steering Committee 

Eva Blomqvist, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT) 
Aldo Gangemi, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT) 
Natasha Noy, Stanford University (US) 
Valentina Presutti, STLab ISTC-CNR (IT) 
Alan Rector, University of Manchester (UK) 
Francois Scharffe, INRIA (FR) 
Steffen Staab, University of Koblenz(DE) 
Chris Welty, IBM Research (US)

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