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K-CAP 2009
The 5th International Conference on Knowledge Capture
1-4 September, 2009
Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach & Marina Hotel, California, USA (03)
http://kcap09.stanford.edu (04)
Discounted hotel reservation: August 2, 2009 (05)
Professor Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton)
Professor Daniel Weld (University of Washington) (06)
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In today's knowledge-driven world, effective access to and use of
information is a key enabler for progress. Modern technologies not only
are themselves knowledge-intensive technologies, but also produce
enormous amounts of new information that we must process and aggregate.
These technologies require knowledge capture, which involve the
extraction of useful knowledge from vast and diverse sources of
information as well as its acquisition directly from users. Driven by
the demands for knowledge-based applications and the unprecedented
availability of information on the Web, the study of knowledge capture
has a renewed importance. (08)
Researchers that work in the area of knowledge capture traditionally
belong to several distinct research communities, including knowledge
engineering, machine learning, natural language processing,
human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and the Semantic
Web. K-CAP 2009 will provide a forum that brings together members of
disparate research communities that are interested in efficiently
capturing knowledge from a variety of sources and in creating
representations that can be useful for reasoning, analysis, and other
forms of machine processing. We solicit high-quality research papers for
publication and presentation at our conference. Our aim is to promote
multidisciplinary research that could lead to a new generation of tools
and methodologies for knowledge capture. K-CAP 2009 follows on the
success of four previous conferences in 2007 (Whistler, Canada), in 2005
(Banff, Canada), in 2003 (Florida, USA), and 2001 (Victoria, Canada). (09)
The Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2009 will
feature Invited Talks, Technical Papers, Workshops, Posters and Demos on
a range of topics including: (010)
* Knowledge acquisition tools
* Authoring tools
* Knowledge extraction systems
* Knowledge management environments
* Knowledge capture for the Semantic Web
* Collaborative and social approaches to knowledge management and
* Learning apprentices
* Mixed-initiative planning and decision-support tools
* Acquisition of problem-solving knowledge
* Knowledge-based markup techniques
* Advice taking systems
* Knowledge engineering and modeling methodologies (011)
The conference will be held in the beautiful Crowne Plaza Redondo Beach
& Marina Hotel, which is only 7 miles (11.2 km) away from the Los
Angeles International Airport (LAX). The location is only steps from the
Redondo Beach and the bike path that runs along the South Bay in Los
Angeles. Also within walking distance is a marina that offers
opportunities for fishing, sailing, and free outdoor concerts. The
marina has many restaurants, a water park, and seal flocks. (013)
General Chair: Yolanda Gil, USC Information Sciences Institute, USA
Program Chair: Natasha Noy, Stanford University, USA
Workshops and Tutorials Chair: Andreas Hotho, University of Kassel, Germany
Technology Chair: Tania Tudorache, Stanford University, USA (015)
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