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Re: [ontolog-forum] Drupal for semantic publishing

To: "[ontolog-forum]" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Kristof Van Tomme <kristof@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 10:37:00 +0200
Message-id: <f47e030904010137q2974652dsaa27f627f5bae5d9@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Paola,    (01)

Thanks for the reply,    (02)

> it would be nice to have a standalone web based installation  of neologism
> to play with
> see also open calais for drupal
> http://drupal.org/project/opencalais    (03)

Opencalais is a really cool project, you're right.    (04)

> there may be a problem with the version of drupal they work with though    (05)

What do you mean, the Drupal version is outdated? Did you have
difficulties installing it? I'm in contact with the people behind
these projects, any feedback is for sure welcome.    (06)

Kristof    (07)

> On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Kristof Van Tomme <kristof@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>> I don't know if this topic has been covered in this forum before I
>> joined ontolog, but there is a lot of activity to make Drupal into a
>> framework for semantic publishing.
>> The basic Drupal RDF implementation can be found at
>> http://drupal.org/project/rdf
>> A lot of modules are already available that use this framework, you
>> can find a listing at http://drupal.org/taxonomy/term/116
>> Then there are 2 Distribution projects that should be of particular
>> interest:
>> Neologism, a lightweight web-based vocabulary editor and publishing
>> tool built with Drupal. It's purpose is to make it easy to author a
>> vocabulary.  The Neologism project is free and open source and is
>> maintained by Cosmin Basca, Stéphane Corlosquet, Richard Cyganiak,
>> Sergio Fernández and Thomas Schandl.
>> "Just create a vocabulary, add classes and properties to it, and your
>> vocabulary is instantly published and available online. Several
>> formats are supported via content negotiation: HTML, RDF/XML and N3.
>> All the term URIs are dereferenceable and point to their human
>> readable description. Neologism currently supports a subset of
>> RDFS+OWL which includes rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, rdfs:domain,
>> rdfs:range, rdfs:subClassOf, rdfs:subPropertyOf, owl:inverseOf,
>> owl:disjointWith, owl:FunctionalProperty,
>> owl:InverseFunctionalProperty."
>> http://code.google.com/p/neologism/
>> http://groups.drupal.org/node/12532
>> Another really interesting project is the The Science Collaboration
>> Framework (SCF), a project of the Initiative in Innovative Computing
>> at Harvard University in collaboration with the Harvard Stem Cell
>> Institute and Massachusetts General Hospital, based on the Drupal open
>> source content management system.
>> "The Scientific Collaboration Framework (SCF) is reusable software
>> that can be used to develop web-based, collaborative, scientific
>> communities. The framework is designed to support interdisciplinary
>> scientists in publishing, annotating, sharing and discussing content
>> such as articles, perspectives, interviews and news items, as well as
>> assert personal biographies and research interests – the basics of any
>> online community. These web materials can then be linked to external,
>> heterogeneous knowledge repositories of life science resources such as
>> genes, antibodies, cell-lines or model organisms. SCF, thus supports
>> structured “Web 2.0” style community discourse amongst researchers,
>> makes various data resources available to the collaborating scientist
>> and captures the semantics of the relationship among the discourse and
>> resources.
>> Our framework is based on Drupal – a popular content management system
>> that is highly extensible and has a thriving ecosystem of contributed
>> modules. SCF includes new modules for managing publications,
>> interviews, member information, news items, announcements, and
>> biological entities (e.g., genes). The framework is freely available
>> as a Drupal distribution; however the modules can be used a la carte
>> as well."
>> http://sciencecollaboration.org/download
>> Stephane Corlosquet from DERI is planning a Drupal Semantic code
>> sprint in Galway.
>> Should you be interested in these initiative, feel free to get in touch.
>> Cheers,
>> Kristof
>> *****************************
>> I blog at http://www.pronovix.com/blog
>> Twitter at http://twitter.com/kvantomme
>> You can find my profiles on
>> LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/kvantomme
>> XING at https://www.xing.com/profile/Kristof_VanTomme
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> --
> Paola Di Maio,
> ****************************************
> Forthcoming
> IEEE/DEST 09 Collective Intelligence Track (deadline extended)
> i-Semantics 2009, 2 - 4 September 2009, Graz, Austria.
> www.i-semantics.tugraz.at
> SEMAPRO 2009, Malta
> http://www.iaria.org/conferences2009/CfPSEMAPRO09.html
> **************************************************
> Mae Fah Luang Child Protection Project, Chiang Rai Thailand
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