For the panel on:
Lessons Learned from Virtual Organizing for the Ontology Summit,
April 23-24, 2007 - A Panel from the Ontolog Forum (01)
I was thinking of covering: (02)
Framework Document Development
Use of email, wiki, teleconferences
Communique Writing
Based on Framework documents
Framework in wiki
Framework presentations and review at Ontology Summit
Face to face meeting between Olivier Bodenreider and
Frank Olken
partitioned communique by topic
Email exchanges (Olken/Bodenreider)
Integration, Posting to wiki
Presentation to Ontology Summit - discussion
Post-summit email discussions
Text is essential - unmet need from teleconferences
agendas, minutes of teleconferences help
Email useful medium for text exchange, argument
Threaded / indexed /searchable email archives are very
Wiki is good for posting large documents, links to
documents, agendas
Wiki is good for posting summaries
Email often does not converge
Face to face meetings help convergence (03)
Comments, etc. are welcome. I will prepare slides tonight. (04)
Frank Olken (05)
National Science Foundation
Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate
Intelligent Information Systems Division
Information Integration and Informatics
Suite 1125
4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22230 (06)
Tel: 703-292-8930 (main)
Tel: 703-292-7350 (direct)
Email: folken@xxxxxxx (07)
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