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Re: [ontolog-forum] Tentative steps twoards an Emergency and Reponse Ont

To: <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Bob Smith <bob@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 16:51:26 -0500
Message-id: <264a4b71fbfa42679ba15671317b6ce8@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Hi Andreas,

Thanks for sharing our work with us. I especially like your Levels description and your survey of the major concepts that we take too often for granted.

After reading your work in more detail, I would appreciate the opportunity to chat further.

Thanks again,

Bob Smith

From: Andreas Tolk <atolk@xxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:51 AM
To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Tentative steps twoards an Emergency and Reponse Ontology

Hello Paola and all!
I hoped to have a journal article out by now, but unfortunately the review
process takes as long as always. The paper is in for review since June last
year and I have not heard anything back so far, so please excuse me for not
sending the unpublished version.
However, we are working on composable web services to support heterogeneous
operations (such as different organizations of different nations). Although
the application grew out of the Modeling & Simulation Defense sector, the
underlying technology can be applied for every other domain that requires
coordination, alignment, and harmonization between individual processes,
services, components, etc. What I can do is attach some Journal and
referenced conference proceedings dealing with the topic, including the
slideset of an invited presentation I gave on the stage of the Joint Forces
Command booth on the I/ITSEC Showfloor (December 2006, Orlando, FL).
The main idea is to work from information exchange requirements of working
processes towards a federated data schema towards a common data engineering
process towards a common ontology. We use the "Levels of Conceptual
Interoperability Model (LCIM)" as the underlying model, which is used in
several international projects and was awarded by the Simulation
Interoperability Standards Organization.
I hope the papers are helpful to see where we are going. If there is
interest, we can talk about this in more detail, for example in one of the
ontolog-forum presentations.
All the best
============================== ;-)
Andreas Tolk, Ph.D.
Associate Professor/Engineering Management & Systems Engineering
242B Kaufman Hall
Old Dominion University
Norfolk, VA 23529
(757) 683-4500 (voice)
(757) 683-5640 (fax)

Senior Research Scientist/Virginia Modeling, Analysis & Simulation Center
7000 College Drive, 111F Manning Bldg
Suffolk, VA 23435
(757) 686 - 6203 (voice)
(757) 686 - 6214 (fax)

(a) Spot_IEEE_Internet_Computing: This article introduces the idea of Model
Based Data Engineering (MBDE) and should be read first
(b) JDMS vol 3 no 1 JAN 2006 27-44: This article introduces the LCIM and
its application using MBDE
(c) 06F-SIW-008: Conference Paper Simulation Interoperability Workshop
showing how web service protocols, grammars, data models, and ontologies
are connected
(d) WP2548: White paper written in support of a tutorial offered during
I/ITSEC 2006 on how the ontological spectrum can be applied to support
(2) Data Engineering for HLS: Slideset on how to apply the ideas for
Homeland Security - Maybe we should work on an annotated version, let us

(See attached file: WP2548.pdf)(See attached file:
Spot_IEEE_Internet_Computing_july_2005.pdf)(See attached file: JDMS vol 3
no 1 JAN 2006 27-44.pdf)(See attached file: 06F-SIW-008.pdf)(See attached
file: Data Engineering for HLS.pdf)

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