Steve, First, we at VMASC (Dr. Andreas Tolk, Saikou Diallo and I) are currently exploring our options for participation in April. This sounds great. Second, your idea seems like a great position to start from, and we definitely want to contribute to the conversation. One of the things that our research has been trending towards is the idea of an upper ontology for a domain being captured in terms of "concepts" (for lack of a better term - there is some controversy here already), which are symbols representing the universal ideas that compose up the terms required for interoperability within that domain. If this is possible, then a central concept model can exist, with translations in and out of that central model for all of the semantic terms for systems that wish to interact - and by mapping their terms to those central concepts, they can then be re-oriented for consumption by any other system in the domain. This approach will no doubt produce gaps, which will then have to be accounted for. The approach is not perfect, and the theory behind it is still developing, but we have had some early successes at the term level. Our domain is the interoperability space existing between military simulations and military command and control systems. Chuck Charles Turnitsa Project Scientist Virginia Modeling, Analysis & Simulation Center Old Dominion University Research Foundation 7000 College Drive Suffolk, Virginia 23435 (757) 638-6315 (voice) (757) 686-6214 (fax) cturnits@xxxxxxx
-----ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: -----
To: "'[ontolog-forum]'" <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> From: "Steve Ray" <ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sent by: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Date: 08/12/2006 10:02AM Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Planning another NIST-Ontolog joint event for April 2007
OK, here's an idea to throw around:
The unique aspect of the Ontolog Forum is that, rather than just convening conferences where people hear of others' work, the Forum actually establishes positions. Last year, we produced the communique that represented the commitment of the major upper ontology stakeholders to work together for a common good. So, for this coming year, what might be a similar contribution - something that could represent the combined voice of the community?
How about:
Semantic Mapping or How we must learn to love heterogeneity
Given that we will always be in a world where multiple ontologies coexist, what choices do we have for mapping, or linking, concepts among these ontologies? Must we be content with simply having humans assert semantic equivalence? If so, what hope is there for automated integration? Is there potential in using pattern-matching algorithms? Is is realistic to believe that reasoning systems will be able to discover and/or prove semantic equivalence between concepts in different ontologies?
What is the position of the Ontolog Forum?
I await reaction...
-----Original Message----- From: Obrst, Leo J. [mailto:lobrst@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 10:14 AM To: Peter P. Yim; [ontolog-forum] Cc: Steve Ray Subject: RE: Planning another NIST-Ontolog joint event for April 2007
This summarizes well our discussion. We invite you all to participate, and make suggestions on the wiki on topics you'd like to see addressd this coming year at the as yet unnamed forum/summit.
Thanks! Leo
_____________________________________________ Dr. Leo Obrst The MITRE Corporation, Information Semantics lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Center for Innovative Computing & Informatics Voice: 703-983-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305 Fax: 703-983-1379 McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA
-----Original Message----- From: Peter P. Yim [mailto:peter.yim@xxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 4:30 AM To: [ontolog-forum] Cc: Steve Ray; Obrst, Leo J.; Peter Yim Subject: Planning another NIST-Ontolog joint event for April 2007
For those of us who were at FOIS-2006 and attended the NCOR plenary meeting there (evening of 09-Nov-2006), you might remember Steve Ray mentioning that NIST will be hosting their "Interoperability Week" again in 2007, and it is tentatively scheduled for the week of 23-April-2007 at Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA.
Following the success of the "Upper Ontology Summit" that Ontolog and NIST co-organized for the same occasion earlier this year (Interoperability Week - Mar. 2006) we are planning to put together another one for April 2007.
Steve Ray, Leo Obrst and I had briefly discussed the matter (while we were all at the FOIS conference) and decided that we will not be limiting ourselves to just addressing upper ontology issues this time. We also agreed that we wanted more than the 1.5~2.0 months worth of virtual discussion among the conveners, prior to the face-to-face event, to allow us to gather more input from the community and to better plan the program.
This is a call for suggestions and participation. Similar to our last event (please refer to:, we would want to form a team of "conveners", comprising (besides the organizers), key-participants and co-sponsors. If you are interested, please drop us (Steve, Leo and I) a note off-line indicating your interest. We will start a separate mailing-list shortly to engage this group to help put this event together.
In particular, if you were one of the conveners of the Mar.2006 UpperOntologySummit, we look forward to your continued participation. Also, if your institution or company endorses the type of work we are doing, please start trying to convince them to be our co-sponsor.
Anything else ... Steve? Leo?
We look forward to hear from as many of you as possible. RSVP now.
Thanks & regards. =ppy --
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