Great call today. (01)
Made inroads into both projects ... See proceedings of the call at: (02)
Bob Smith will be organizing another work session (probably next Tue or
Wed 2004.12.21 or 22) for the NHIN-RFI team. Therefore, watch out for
his post on the matter. (03)
Kurt Conrad and Adam Pease will be taking the lead in the CCTS response
effort, and have designated next Thursday's (the 2004.12.23 conference
call) to work on that. (04)
It's decided that we take a holiday break, and will not have a call on
Thu 2004.12.30. (05)
To everyone in the community: H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S ! (06)
Sincerely. -ppy
-- (07)
Peter P. Yim wrote Tue, 14 Dec 2004 12:07:33 -0800: (08)
> I'd like to draw everyone attention to the upcoming weekly ontolog
> conference call this Thursday (2004.12.16 10:30 am California time)
> The key themes of this call will be:
> (a) post EIDX "Semantic Harmonization" session follow-up, which could
> include putting together a response (due by Jan. 21, 2005) to the CCTS
> v2.01 specification review cycle, and
> (b) an attempt to start a new community initiative to contribute to
> the (US) National Health Information Network RFI (which is due by Jan.
> 18, 2005.)
> Call details:
> Date: Thursday, Dec. 16, 2004
> Start Time: 10:30 AM PST / 1:30 PM EST
> (World Clock -
> Expected Call Duration: 1 ~ 1.5 hour (013)
> Dial-in Number: 1-702-851-3330 (Las Vegas, Nevada)
> Participant Access Code: "686564#"
> Agenda and more details available at the session wiki page:
> Kindly look it over before the call (now, if you can).
> RSVP (offline) ...
> Look forward to talking to you this Thursday!
> Regards. -ppy
> P.S. regarding (b) above,
> (i) It is suggest that those who are interested to contribute to US
> government health related work, and in particular, [those who had
> indicated interest to participate earlier], to make sure they attend
> (or send representatives to) this call.
> (ii) I'd recommend to those who are interested to participate to
> review the documents cited in our session wiki page prior to joining
> in at this call, to make the best use of our time in the brainstorming
> session.
> --
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