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RE: [ontolog-forum] Re: CANCELED: Orlando EIDX Semantic Methodology sess

To: "[ontolog-forum] " <ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, jon.bosak@xxxxxxx
Cc: ihenzel@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: dsommer@xxxxxxxxxxx
From: "Schuldt, Ron L" <ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Jun 2004 08:55:43 -0600
Message-id: <E10C8EF47F42494EB6942801E1F3B75E03817F40@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I am not certain why I am reading this for the first time via the
ontolog email discussion group, but the decision regarding my attendance
at the Orlando EIDX meeting versus a conflicting AIA meeting Aug 3-5 in
Buffalo has not been finalized. I simply made the CompTIA staff aware of
my dilemma but was (still am) working hard to find a solution. I am
still trying to determine if it is feasible that I attend the EIDX
session on August 3rd and the AIA sessions Aug 4-5.    (01)

If the EIDX/CompTIA decision is final (i.e., cannot be reversed), then
it makes it much easier for my decision although regrettable that the
discussion will be delayed until December.     (02)

Ron Schuldt
Senior Staff Systems Architect
Lockheed Martin Enterprise Information Systems
11757 W. Ken Caryl Ave.
#F521 Mail Point DC5694
Littleton, CO 80127
ron.l.schuldt@xxxxxxxx    (03)

-----Original Message-----
From: ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ontolog-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Peter Yim
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 12:31 PM
To: jon.bosak@xxxxxxx
Cc: ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [ontolog-forum] Re: CANCELED: Orlando EIDX Semantic Methodology
session    (04)

Hi Jon,    (05)

Thank you for the message.    (06)

Regret to hear that ... but then, Menlo Park suites some of us (at 
least me) a lot better. So, I am more than fine with that.    (07)

We (ontolog-forum and our project teams working on the CCT-ontology 
and UBL-ontology) shall look forward to presenting our work at your 
Decemeber session.    (08)

Regards.  -ppy
--    (09)

jon.bosak@xxxxxxx wrote Tue, 22 Jun 2004 10:59:13 -0700 (PDT):    (010)

> Hello Peter,
> Due to the fact that Ron Schuldt cannot attend the August
> conference in Orlando to represent UDEF, the EIDX board has
> decided to move the session and panel previously scheduled for
> August 3 to a spot at the EIDX meeting in Menlo Park December 1-3.
> This also gives us more time to plan a fuller set of presentations
> that might include something on the ebXML registry work relating
> to core components.
> I regret any inconvenience caused by this change of plans and hope
> that you or another representative of the Ontolog forum can attend
> the meeting in December.
> Best regards,
> Jon
>     (011)

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