Wonderful call today. (01)
Our July 2004 face-to-face meeting is becoming a reality. Thanks to
Bob and Kurt, the workshop we will be running at the Protege
Conference (July 6, 2004 at NIH, Bethesda, MD) is locked in. (02)
We are now proceeding to schedule other events and meetings that
community members will be interested in. Please review the section on
our workshop brainstorm and planning
and post your scheduling availability and preferences if you are
planning to attend. (03)
The group has invited me (Peter Yim) to speak at the next session (Thu
2004-05-20). I will be sharing with everyone the vision and plans for
the CCT-Representation project
(http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?CctRepresentation), and look
to that as our community's opportunity and challenge to bridging some
of the gaps between the ontological engineering and the eBusiness
standards practitioners. All who are involved, or have interest in the
project are urged to come join us at this session and contribute your
thoughts. (Again, please make a post on the wiki, or RSVP to me
offline, to help me with a better estimate in making reservations for
the conference bridge.) (04)
Proceedings of today's call is available at:
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2004_05_13 (05)
Regards. -ppy
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To Post: mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (06)