Happy New Year! (01)
1. I would like to let everyone know that the UBL - Universal Business
Language - Technical Committee is imminently making the next release
of their interim work product for review by the industry. (02)
2. One of the charters of this forum is to "identify ontological
engineering approaches that might be applied to the UBL effort."
(see http://ontolog.cim3.org/forums/ontolog/0209/msg00000.html#nid03) (03)
3. We intend to collectively contribute to that review effort, and the
purpose of this message is draw everyone's attention to this upcoming
activity. (04)
4. What we can possibly do, after we are provided access to the UBL
work products, would be: (05)
(a) to review the work and provide general (on non-ontological
issues) feedback, individually, to UBL directly; (06)
(b) to bring up ontology or ontological engineering issues for
discussion within this forum, and then provide a compilation of our
findings and recommendations (possibly in the form of a position
paper) to UBL collectively; (07)
(c) Consider making an attempt to "ontologize" the UBL work product
-- but, obviously, we need to discuss the what? and how? of this
effort in more depth. (08)
(d) plus, anything else members of this community would propose and
agree to take on. (09)
5. For those members who are not very familiar with the OASIS-UBL TC
and their work, please take a moment to browse their website at: (010)
http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/ (011)
In particular, the two recent presentations made by UBL TC members (at
the XML Conference in Baltimore, MD, USA in Dec. 2002), as highlighted
at the UBL site, would provide a succinct picture of what UBL is all
about. See: (012)
UBL TC Vice Chair Mark Crawford gave the UBL keynote:
http://oasis-open.org/committees/ubl/200212/0212ubl.ppt (013)
Schema designers will find Eve Maler's talk on Schema Rules for UBL of
particular interest:
// (014)
6. I'll get back to you all, shortly, once I have specific information
to the new UBL release. (015)
PPY (016)
To post messages mailto:ontolog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
An archive of the [ontolog] forum can be found
at http://ontolog.cim3.org/forums/ontolog (017)