Hi, all. (01)
Kurt Conrad invited me to participate in this forum.
Peter Yim asked me to introduce myself. Here goes. (02)
I've been involved in Topic Maps from the beginning
(1992), but my passion for self-describing information
paradigms began with a very unpleasant experience in
1981. I lost the value of five years of work when
Control Data Corporation changed the PLATO system, in
an arbitrary and pernicious decision, in such a way as
to make my interactive tutorial in sixteenth-century
counterpoint unpublishable. A few weeks later, vowing
never again to invest development effort in systems
controlled by untrustworthy social structures (such as
for-profit corporations), I learned C. (03)
In 1986, when SGML became a standard, Charles Goldfarb
and I launched a music-representation standardization
effort that ultimately resulted, in 1992, in the HyTime
standard. (That's a bizarre story, but much more fun
than my gastric misadventure with CDC.) (04)
So I guess I came into the knowledge-rep area by way of
thinking about how to make hyperlinks self-describing,
and therefore self-disqualifying. (05)
I'm still wondering how to make serious thinking about
knowledge integration self-supporting, but lately we've
been having more luck with that particular problem. In
my wife's (Vicky's) consulting company, Coolheads
Consulting, we're doing knowledge integration work for
the Internal Revenue Service. Michel Biezunski
(mb@xxxxxxxxxxxxx) is in charge of that project. (06)
My recent writings (that might be interesting to
participants in this forum) include: (07)
Draft ISO Reference Model for Topic Maps (with Sam
Hunting and Jan Algermissen)
http://www.isotopicmaps.org/rm4tm/ (08)
Economics of the Draft Reference Model for Topic Maps
slides: http://www.coolheads.com/SRNPUBS/xml2002-econ/
paper: http://www.coolheads.com/SRNPUBS/xml2002-econ.htm (09)
Forecasting Terrorism: Meeting the Scaling Requirements
http://www.coolheads.com/SRNPUBS/extreme2002/forecasting-terrorism.htm (010)
Preemptive Reification
http://www.coolheads.com/SRNPUBS/preemptive-reification.htm (011)
Topic Maps for the Web (with Michel Biezunski)
http://www.coolheads.com/SRNPUBS/ieee-mm-topicmaps-article.pdf (012)
"A Perspective on the Quest for Global Knowledge
Interchange", Chapter 3 of <I>XML Topic Maps - Creating
and Using Topic Maps for the Web</I> (Jack Park and Sam
Hunting, eds.), 2003: Addison-Wesley. The publisher
makes this chapter available free at
http://www.aw.com/samplechapter/0201749602.pdf (013)
-- Steve (014)
Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
srn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx (015)
Coolheads Consulting
http://www.coolheads.com (016)
voice: +1 972 359 8160
fax: +1 972 359 0270 (017)
1527 Northaven Drive
Allen, Texas 75002-1648 USA (018)
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An archive of the [ontolog] forum can be found
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