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[ontolog-admin] Offer from Adobe [was - Re: OntologySummit2007 face-to-f

To: "Duane Nickull" <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin] forum" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2007 22:33:13 -0700
Message-id: <af8f58ac0704302233r70c2173uf4512f6f12fb0865@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Duane,    (01)

Appreciate the offer. ... We'll bear that in mind, and look forward to
the opportunity to take up your offer and collaborating with you/Adobe
some time in the future.    (02)

Thanks & regards.  =ppy
--    (03)

On 4/30/07, Duane Nickull <dnickull@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter:
> For those of us who couldn't make it - thanks!  I would also like to offer
> if Adobe can host a meeting in the future in the Bay area.  I can offer our
> facilities at either San Francisco (ex-Macromedia HQ) or San Jose.  The SF
> office is far funner!
> Duane    (04)

> On 4/30/07 2:27 PM, "Peter Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > All,
> >
> > I've got some pictures of the Summit face-to-face meetings up.
> >
> > See:
> > 
> > 07-04-2324/
> >
> > Enjoy!  =ppy
> >
> > P.S. The NIST crew has finished putting together the audio files too.
> > I'll be posting them real soon! (if you can't wait ... the
> > uncompressed version of the audio files are at:
> > http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/work/OntologySummit2007/AudioFiles/
> >
> > P.P.S. Anyone else who has pictures and would like to share them with
> > the rest of us, please e-mail me off-line to add them to the
> > collection.  =ppy
> > --    (05)

> > On 4/24/07, Peter Yim <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > TO: [ontology-summit] conveners
> > SUBJECT: OntologySummit2007 has been a great success! ... Please
> > endorse the Communique
> >
> >> I am most excited to report that we had a REALLY successful 2-days of
> >> workshops and Symposium.
> >>
> >> Members of the organizing committee would like to express their
> >> heartfelt "thank you" to everyone who contributed to the 3-months'
> >> virtual discourse and the two days of face-to-face meetings. (... My
> >> personal apologies on some of the glitches that remote audience had
> >> experienced during the last 2-days.)
> >>
> >> One of our major deliverables is our Communique, which you can find
> >> at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2007_Communique
> >>
> >> We need your endorsement to this Communique. Kindly review the
> >> document and confirm that by e-mail to me (at <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>,
> >> off-line, if you agree with the content and haven't already done so)
> >> on/before April 30, 2007, so we go into history with your name on the
> >> list of people who are endorsing the "Ontology Summit 2007
> >> Communique".
> >>
> >> Thanks & regards.  =ppy
> >>
> >> P.S. proceedings of the 2-days' face-to-face meetings can be found at:
> >>
> >> o  2007.04.23 Monday am (EDT) - Session-1:
> >> 
> >>
> >> o  2007.04.23 Monday pm (EDT) - Session-2:
> >> 
> >>
> >> o  2007.04.24 Tuesday am (EDT) - Session-3:
> >> 
> >>
> >> o  2007.04.24 Tuesday pm (EDT) - Session-4:
> >> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?OntologySummit2007_Symposium
> >> ("The Summit Meeting" proper)
> >>
> >
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  • [ontolog-admin] Offer from Adobe [was - Re: OntologySummit2007 face-to-face proceedings ...], Peter Yim <=