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Re: [ontolog-admin] REA-25 Conference

To: "Geerts, Guido" <geertsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "McCarthy, William" <mccarthy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2007 17:12:28 -0800
Message-id: <45C28FFC.50707@xxxxxxxx>
Hello Guido,    (01)

Thank you for the message. Congratulations to you and Bill on 
this upcoming conference, and on the Silver Jubilee for REA 
enterprise ontology.    (02)

Ontolog hosts an 'open' community workspace ... therefore you 
don't need mine or anybody's permission to post anything. Please 
just make the post to <mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
yourself.    (03)

We have two pages on the Ontolog wiki that you should consider 
making an entry too:    (04)

[1] to post your "call for 
submission":http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RelevantCallsOfInterest2007    (05)

[2] to post your event (to our community calendar):
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?RelevantEventsOfInterest2007    (06)

Just go by the general format other are using on that page now.    (07)

If you are new to our wiki, please check out the details at: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidA    (08)

Feel free to e-mail or call me (at 650-578-9998) if you run into 
problems. (I could even make the post for you too, if you are in 
a hurry.)    (09)

Regards.  =ppy
--    (010)

Geerts, Guido wrote Thu, 1 Feb 2007 19:52:22 -0500:
> Hi Peter --
> I hope all is well. I am organizing a conference on the REA enterprise 
> ontology in June 2007 and I would like to announce it to the ontolog 
> group. I wanted to ask your permission first. Will you post the message 
> or do I simply send it to ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> <mailto:ontolog-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>. I have added the message I 
> intent to send below. Please let me know what you think!  Thanks for 
> your help!!
> Guido
> ==========================================================================
> Hi –
> I am writing you to share details about the REA-25 conference which will 
> take place in Newark (DE) June 13-15. The objective of the REA-25 
> conference is to celebrate the past, present, and future of the 
> REA enterprise ontology (first published by Bill McCarthy in the 
> Accounting Review 25 years ago) and to bring together researchers, 
> educators, and practitioners from all over the world who are involved 
> with REA or have interest in learning more about it. During the first 
> day of the conference (June 13) there will be a number of tutorials 
> presented by renowned REA experts (Bill McCarty, Julie Smith David, and 
> Pavel Hruby). During the second and third day of the conference (June 14 
> and 15) there will be invited presentations, workshops, and paper 
> presentations regarding all aspects of REA enterprise systems.
> We would like you to consider participating in the conference and 
> submitting some of your own REA related work. The submission deadline 
> for the main conference is approaching quickly (February 12). Go to 
> www.aisvillage.com/rea25/conference.html 
> <http://www.aisvillage.com/rea25/conference.html> for more information 
> regarding the REA-25 conference, including the call for papers.  The 
> conference will also include two special tracks which I would like you 
> to consider. The objective of the first track, “Integrating REA in the 
> classroom”, is to further the academic community’s ability to 
> creatively, rigorously, and successfully introduce REA concepts into our 
> classrooms.  This track will feature cases, course materials, and master 
> class video presentations. For more information regarding the “teaching” 
> track (including submission information), go to 
> http://www.aisvillage.com/rea25/track1.htm. The objective of the second 
> track, “REA business patterns”, is to explore stereotypical solutions or 
> patterns for REA related analysis, design, and implementation problems. 
> This track will feature in-depth discussions of a wide range of REA 
> business patterns. For more information regarding the “patterns” track 
> (including submission information), go to 
> http://www.aisvillage.com/rea25/track1.htm.
> Concurrent with the REA-25 conference, the Journal of Information 
> Systems (JIS) is planning a special section on REA enterprise systems. 
> More information on this special section is available at 
> http://www.aisvillage.com/rea25/jisreacfp.htm.
> The conference will take place in Newark (DE) at the Clayton Conference 
> Center adjacent to the University of Delaware campus.  Newark is 
> centrally located between New York and Washington D.C. and less than an 
> hour from both Philadelphia and Baltimore.  Attractions close to Newark 
> include Longwood Gardens and the Delaware beaches.
> I hope to see you at the REA-25 conference in June. Please contact me at 
> geertsg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if you have any further questions.
> Guido Geerts
> REA-25 Conference Chair
> * *
> PS. I apologize for multiple copies of this e-mail
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