Jack, (01)
Sure ... it's your call. Let me know what you want me to set up
for you. (02)
1. You can pick any number of "subscriber(s)" (a 'subscriber' is
denoted by a e-mail address) -- and for each subscriber, you can
specify whether it get mail (a) delivered to the 'inbox', (b)
gets a daily 'digest', or (c) gets 'no mail' (which means this
subscriber would rather read from the html message archives
instead, if he/she wants to read messages). (03)
2. I can also set up any number of 'auto-accept of posting'
addresses for you, on top of the 'subscriber(s)'. Subscribers, of
course, can post to the forum, everyone else, can't, unless they
are on this 'auto-accept of posting' list. (04)
3. As an example, you can choose to: (05)
(i) make the <jack.park@xxxxxxx> as the subscriber to
[ontolog-forum], and (06)
(ii) pick the deliver mail to inbox option, and then (07)
(iii) have me put both your thinkalong and mergemap addresses
onto the 'auto-accept of posting' list. (08)
Let me know your disposition on the matter ... and I'll set it up
accordingly. (09)
Cheers. =ppy (010)
P.S. Hope you don't mind my archiving the dialog so far, as I
would like to refer to it if someone else asks again. =ppy
-- (011)
Jack Park wrote Sun, 30 Apr 2006 08:50:38 -0700:
> Peter,
> It's possible that my response on the Ontolog email list might create
> confusion since it comes from thinkalong.com -- a historical artifact of
> being on your list before I came to SRI. It might be better to move my
> ontolog subscription to jack.park@xxxxxxx
> What do you think?
> Jack
To Post: mailto:ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Message Archives: http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-admin/
Community Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/wiki/
Shared Files: http://ontolog.cim3.net/file/
Community Portal: http://ontolog.cim3.net/ (012)