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[ontolog-admin] Re: Ontolog Invited Speaker - David Ferrucci - Thu 2006

To: David Ferrucci <ferrucci@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Michael Maximilien <maxim@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 08:36:00 -0700
Message-id: <443A7B60.1080302@xxxxxxxx>
Thanks, Dave.    (01)

I've got your session page up on the Ontolog wiki now - see: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2006_05_11    (02)

Feel free to add any content to that session page, or your 
namesake page (at: 
http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?DavidFerrucci) on the 
wiki, if you feel it will contribute to enhancing the event or 
the audience' experience.    (03)

Thanks & regards.  =ppy
--    (04)

David Ferrucci wrote Sun, 9 Apr 2006 20:58:34 -0400:
> *Title:*
> Putting the Semantics in the Semantic Web
> An overview of UIMA and its role in Accelerating the Semantic Revolution
> *Abstract:*
> The dream of the semantic web as well as the future of information and 
> knowledge management applications will rely on the rapid and massive 
> explication of intended meaning (i.e., semantics) in unstructured 
> information sources (e.g, text documents, video, speech etc).  This talk 
> will discuss the importance of embracing and deploying automatic 
> semantic discovery, in spite of less that perfect accuracy, to help 
> enable the semantic web,  as well as an emerging class of advanced 
> search applications we refer to a Knowledge Gathering and Synthesis 
> applications.  It will introduce IBM's recent contribution of UIMA 
> (_http://www.ibm.com/research/uima_ ) to the open-source community and 
> discuss how this work will help accelerate the production and 
> application of automated semantic discovery.
> *Bio*
> *Dr. David A. Ferrucci*
> *Dr. David Ferrucci* is a Research Staff Member and Senior Manager at 
> IBM’s T.J. Watson’s Research Center. He manages the */Semantic Analysis 
> and Integration/* department which is focused on technologies and 
> architectures for discovering relevant knowledge in unstructured 
> information and leveraging the results in a wide range of business 
> intelligence and information management solutions. Principal research 
> thrusts in his department include knowledge gathering and synthesis, 
> automated question answering, semantic search, knowledge integration and 
> the Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA)*.* His team 
> includes world-class NLP, IR and Knowledge Representation researchers 
> and software engineers. Dr. Ferrucci is the chief architect for *UIMA 
> *(_http://www.ibm.com/research/uima_). This project provides the 
> architectural and software foundation for accelerating and integrating a 
> broad collection of efforts in advanced search, text and multi-modal 
> analytics across six of IBM’s Research labs and several large 
> government-sponsored projects. UIMA has become the standard platform for 
> developing and delivering multi-modal analytics into IBM products and 
> services aimed at solutions that help customers exploit the value in 
> unstructured information sources. Its application outside of IBM, across 
> research, industry and government is growing rapidly and helping to 
> advance the science and application of text analytics. Throughout Dr. 
> Ferrucci’s academic and professional career he has focused on designing 
> computer systems to help people discover, represent, integrate, manage, 
> and apply real-world knowledge. He is published in the field of logic 
> and knowledge representation, architectures for natural language 
> engineering, interactive document configuration, automated question 
> answering and story generation.  Dr. Ferrucci earned his PhD in computer 
> science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> David A. Ferrucci, PhD
> Senior Manager, Semantic Analysis & Integration
> Lead Architect,  UIMA
> IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
> 19 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532
> Tel: 914-784-7847, 8/863-7847
> ferrucci@xxxxxxxxxx
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://www.ibm.com/research/uima      (05)

> *"Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>*
> 04/05/2006 11:48 PM
> To
>       David Ferrucci/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, Michael Maximilien/Almaden/IBM@IBMUS
> cc
>       "[ontolog-admin]" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject
>       Ontolog Invited Speaker - David Ferrucci - Thu 2006.05.11
> Dear Dr. Ferrucci,
> Further to your confirmation with Dr. E. Michael Maximilien, I
> would like to thank you, on behalf of the community, for
> accepting our invitation to speak at the Ontolog-Forum on
> Thursday, May 11, 2006. I am writing here, to provide further
> details and some administrivia on the event.
> This session will be a 1.5 to 2 hour virtual event, scheduled for
>  1:30~3:30pm EDT / 10:30am~12:30pm PDT / 17:30~19:30 UTC.  The
> session will start with about 10~15 minutes for
> self-introductions by participants and for getting everyone
> settled in. Dr. Maximilien will then formally introduce you;
> after which your virtual presentation (of approximately 45~60
> minutes) will follow. Past the end of that presentation, there
> will be Q&A and an open discussion for about 30~45 minutes.  This
> will be done over a phone conference setting, augmented by online
> presentation material.
> "Ontolog" is an open, international community of practice that
> engages in the learning, discourse and development of both formal
> and informal ontologies. It is chartered to advance the adoption
> and application of ontological engineering approaches and
> semantic technologies (see our charter at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidB ), and
> is facilitating their move into the mainstream standards. As an
> lead architect for UIMA, your sharing with us that Architecture,
> as well as your experience and insight will really be educational
> to our community as a whole. Additionally, your providing us the
> chance to have an open dialog with you will be valued and
> appreciated.
> I shall look forward to receiving the following from you, at your
> earliest convenience (hopefully within a week):
> (a) the title for your talk, and
> (b) an abstract of your talk, anywhere from a few sentences to a
> few paragraphs will do.
> (c) a recent picture of yours (about 200 x 200 pixels, in png,
> jpg or gif format),
> (d) a short biographic sketch of yourself. In addition, if you
> can provide (links to) slightly more extended bio/intro of you
> and your work, that would be even better. It would be fine if you
> just supply the URL's to the material (if something appropriate
> is already available online.) Feel free to update your namesake
> page on the Ontolog wiki too (at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?DavidFerrucci -- your may
> need to do a "Create Account" or "Login" for the user
> "DavidFerrucci" before editing on the wiki (access is at the
> upper right of wiki page)).
> Once I get the above, I will start building out the session wiki
> page and announce the event, so that people could mark their
> calendars and plan to attend.
> Closer to the time (say, a week or two before the talk), please
> send me:
> (e) your presentation material* (in pdf, powerpoint, sxi, html,
> png, jpg or some common electronic format) so that I can post it
> online for access during the session.
> During the talk, I will advance the slides for you on your
> prompt. Alternatively, you can choose to take control of our
> shared-screen server (a VNC server) that will allow you to run
> your own presentation slides, a web browser or even other
> applications. (If you do need to run other applications, please
> provide me with more details because we may need some prior
> coordination to make it happen). The display screen from the VNC
> server will be shared by most of the virtual attendees during the
> event.
> (f) You are also invited to take a look at the hints we have for
> sessions like this at:
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?VirtualSpeakerSessionTips
> .  After I receive your presentation material (and if you choose
> to control your only slides during the session), we will schedule
> a phone session so that I can walk you through the presentation
> controls and some of the relevant nuances that our virtual
> speaker(s) need to be aware of. We should do this while you are
> at the venue where you plan to be presenting from (e.g. your
> office, your home, ... etc. because each may present different
> connectivity issues we would need to tackle).
> For your reference, please feel free to check out the wiki pages
> of similar recent presentations, which you can access under
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nidZ . They
> should provide some clues as to the format of our monthly invited
> speaker events. However, do feel free to conduct your
> presentation any way you feel like (let me know, though, if you
> expect it to be quite different, so that I can work on providing
> the support you need.) We will be creating a wiki page for your
> session after we have received the above ((a) thru (d) input from
> you), at which point, you are encouraged to post additional
> relevant resources (papers, links, references, ... etc.) to
> support your presentation.
> Additionally, we will be recording our presentation sessions and
> make the archived audio file available online, along with the
> presentation material. I hereby, on behalf of the Ontolog Forum,
> request your permission to do so. Please refer to our IPR policy
> at: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?WikiHomePage#nid32
> that will be applicable. I will assume that this is acceptable to
> you unless I hear from you otherwise.
> Once again, we've been honored to have you as an Ontolog member.
> Thank you very much for agreeing to speak, and to having a dialog
> with the rest of the Ontolog community. I shall look forward to
> the event, and to to your continued contribution to Ontolog in
> the future. Feel free to contact the undersigned if there is any
> question.
> Sincerely,
> =PPY
> Peter P. Yim
> [ontolog-forum], co-convener
> http://ontolog.cim3.net
> Phone: (650) 578-9998
> P.S. *Please note that: in preparing your powerpoint (or other
> presentation material), try to avoid using any animation or
> transitions, as they do not work very well over the real-time
> shared-screen service which we employ to allow the audience to be
> in sync with you on your slide presentation.  =ppy
> -- 
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  • [ontolog-admin] Re: Ontolog Invited Speaker - David Ferrucci - Thu 2006.05.11, Peter P. Yim <=