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Re: [ontolog-admin] Ontolog call Thu 2005.10.27 - ?

To: "[ontolog-admin] forum" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Peter P. Yim" <peter.yim@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:27:08 -0700
Message-id: <43553E7C.8030001@xxxxxxxx>
Kurt/Bob,    (01)

1. Cancel, we will announce.    (02)

2. I'll try to ask Barry if he has plans to support a phone in 
... and will let you (and probably the rest of the community too) 
[Doesn't beat 'wiki-CAM' ( ... but better than nothing!)]    (03)

Cheers.  =ppy
--    (04)

Kurt Conrad wrote Tue, 18 Oct 2005 11:13:45 -0700:
> Peter,
> I don't see much reason to run a conflicting event, so "cancelling" 
> seems to make sense.
> Is there any chance of setting up a phone in for any of the inaugural 
> events?
> /s/ kwc 2005.10.18 11:13
> At 2005-10-18 09:28, you wrote:
>> Kurt and Bob,
>> As you might know, 10/27 turns out to be the day for the NCOR 
>> Inaugural Meeting (see: http://ncor.buffalo.edu/inaugural/). I know 
>> Leo and I, and a bunch of other Ontolog folks are actually going to be 
>> at Buffalo (NY) for the event.
>> I am writing to see how you guys feel about having (or canceling) that 
>> day's Ontolog regular conference call. Obviously, if we do have it, at 
>> least one of you will need to be there and run it (I can set it up 
>> before I leave for my trip, though.)
>> Your thought?
>> Regards.  =ppy
>> -- 
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