Hi Sally, (01)
Done. You shouldn't be receiving mail distribution from the
[ontolog-forum] anymore. However, as a subscriber, you can still post
to the forum. Feel free to contact me if there is any question. (02)
By the way, I still have you on the UBL-ontology project meeting
invitation list (since you indicated earlier that you want to
participate in the project.) Do you want me to leave it there, or
would you want to remove your name from that also? Please advise. (03)
-- (04)
Chan, Sally M wrote Tue, 18 Mar 2003 10:35:02 -0800:
> no mail for me, i will check website archive
> Regards,
> Sally Chan
> Associate Technical Fellow
> The Boeing Company
> Boeing Commercial Airplanes
> IS - Architecture & eBusiness
> 206-544-7488 (05)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter P. Yim [mailto:yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 10:16 PM
> To: [ontolog-forum]
> Subject: Re: [ontolog-forum] Friends of UBL-Ontology Project (FOUBLOP)
> Mike,
> To address your issue, there are several options:
> 1. If you are happy with getting the call details of the post, feel
> free to advise me to take you off the meeting invitation list (as I
> mentioned, I included people who indicated that they would want to
> join the meetings on that list.)
> 2. Our [ontolog-forum] list server can accommodate 3 different modes
> of delivery: (a) deliver each message to a subscriber's inbox every
> time it is posted; (b) deliver a digest -- usually a daily event, or
> when it has accumulated to over 30KB (configurable) -- so that a
> reduced number of messages would hit your box; or (c) no mail --
> members will read the postings by going to our web-based html archive.
> All subscribers, by default, are configured to receive messages under
> the (a) arrangement. Feel free to write me if you want to be
> configured to receive messages in a different mode (i.e. (b) or (c)).
> Hope one of these would work well for the FOUBLOP'ers like yourself.
> 3. As for the option of spinning off the UBLOntology project
> discussion, some of us had discussed the issue earlier. Since that is
> pretty much a chartered activity of this forum (see
> http://ontolog.cim3.net/forum/ontolog-forum/2002-09/msg00000.html#nid03),
> and since we are still trying to get some team work going, it was
> decided that it would be premature to spin things off now. We will
> probably revisit this issue again, when the real project traffic
> starts to build. In the mean time, we will try to use different prefix
> to segregate different key topics. That way, members can very easily
> scan the subject line and decide whether they would want to read a
> message in detail. Please bear with us on this for the time being.
> Regards,
> --
> Uschold, Michael F wrote Mon, 17 Mar 2003 18:12:23 -0800:
>>I am interested in tracking the UBL project, but cannot follow the
>>flurry of recent emails. I wonder if a special list could be spun off
>>from the ontolog main list for this project specifically? And the
>>original one could keep to more general discussions that it was intended
>>for. There are a lot of messages about meeting/telecon preparations,
>>for example.
>>Or, perhaps there is a way for people like me to be updated periodically
>>w/o being in the everyday activity? Maybe there could be a special
>>FOUBLOP list for friends of the project?
>>Another option choice is to get off the list entirely.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Peter Yim [mailto:yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx]
>>Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 1:52 PM
>>To: Uschold, Michael F
>>Subject: Conference Call Invitation for 03/20/2003 10:30 AM
>>You Are Invited
>>Michael Uschold,
>>You have been invited by Peter Yim <mailto:yimpp@xxxxxxxxxxx> to join a
>>conference call. Please review the conference details ...[snip]...
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> Community Wiki: http://ontolog.cim3.net/wiki/ To Post:
> (06)
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