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Re: [ontolog-admin] draft kickoff message for UBL project

To: "[ontolog-admin] forum" <ontolog-admin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Leo Obrst <lobrst@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2003 14:13:22 -0500
Message-id: <3E610652.CC99B5C2@xxxxxxxxx>

This looks good. I'd go with it and post it.


Kurt Conrad wrote:

 Peter and Leo,

This is the fourth draft that I've attempted.  I think this one does a decent job of directing the conversation but keeping it open-ended enough to encourage participation.  Hopefully, we will have a chance to discuss it during today's telecon.

/s/ kwc 2003.03.01 19:14


A few weeks ago, Peter forwarded a message announcing the release of a new Universal Business Language (UBL) Library.

There has been some discussion around the idea of creating an ontology based on the UBL schemas.  After discussing this idea with some of the principles of the UBL effort, the general consensus is that the existing specification is stable enough to begin engineering an ontology.

It also appears that this project would mesh nicely with the goals that motivated many of us to join the Ontolog forum in the first place, most notably:
Learn about ontologies (concepts, language, best practices)
Identify a lifecycle process for developing ontology-based systems
Increase awareness and understanding of ontology tools
Work with a group of people on a common ontology
Apply ontologies to real-world applications, especially eBusiness

Some of the key activities needed to get this off the ground include:
Outlining objectives for the project
Identifying targeted formalization framework(s)
Developing work plans
Ensuring access to needed tools and infrastructures for collaboration
Identifying project participants
It is my hope that this project will prove to be more engaging than a general discussion has been and will encourage more participants to weigh in with their ideas about ontological engineering.

Your thoughts?

Kurt Conrad
2994 Salem Dr.                     408-247-0454
Santa Clara, CA 95051-5502         408-247-0457 (data/fax)
http://www.SagebrushGroup.com     mailto:conrad@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dr. Leo Obrst  The MITRE Corporation
mailto:lobrst@xxxxxxxxx Intelligent Information Management/Exploitation
Voice: 703-883-6770 7515 Colshire Drive, M/S H305
Fax: 703-883-1379       McLean, VA 22102-7508, USA

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