Folks, (01)
Once again, do we want/need a conference call this week? (02)
We have one more event - 2008_05_29 - Thursday: OKMDS - "Connecting
People Through Semantics, and OKDMS Series Summary" - Panel:
JeanneHolm and AndrewSchain - (03)
I know Jeanne and Andy will be ready for that. We also talked about
(in an earlier call) that everyone from the organizing committee to
say a little something on what they thought of (or got out of) this
OKMDS on this closing event. I trust it would be best we have one
sync-up call to coordinate on it -- we could do it either (a) tomorrow
5/13 or (b) 5/27 (two days from the 5/29 event.) [Susan has her full
day Expedition Workshop#73 on 5/22, and therefore, that Tuesday is
out.] (04)
Would everyone on this e-mail list please indicate, by return email to
this thread, their availability and preference for the sync-up call;
plus whatever other suggestions and input they may have for the 5/29
closing event. (05)
Let us know: (06)
(a) are you available for a sync-up call on Tue 5/13 10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT (07)
(b) are you available for a sync-up call on Tue 5/27 10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT (08)
(c) if you are avaialble on both the above dates, do you have a preference? (09)
(d) would you rather we coordinate by email and forget about this sync-up call. (010)
Please advise your response by Tue 5/13 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT (to
allow me a little time to prefer the session page for our call, if the
majority chooses to do it tomorrow.) (011)
Thanks & regards. =ppy
-- (012)
If so, the nominal slot would be 1 hour on Tuesday 2008.04.08,
starting 10:00am PDT / 1:00pm EDT / 17:00 UTC. (013)
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