FYI. Resending to the SWAO SIG list. (01)
Ok, folks, I:
- streamlined and slightly reformatted the latest version
- deleted the initial generic workshop requirements and the meta-comments in
some sections
- removed the PC list, expecting that we will put in PC members (from the
spreadsheet) as we receive confirmation
- added Elie and Andrea as PC chairs (02)
Changes were accepted and now are turned off. (03)
Please review, and if this looks good to everyone, it will be our submission.
At least, it will go to candidate PC members next, i.e., tomorrow. (04)
Leo (05)
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Obrst, Leo J.
>Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 10:36 AM
>To: 'Li, Naicong'; Elie Abi-Lahoud; stefano.borgo@xxxxxxxxx;
>kenb@xxxxxxxxxxx; Peter Yim; mdean@xxxxxxx; frank.loebe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>; tjschneider@xxxxxxxxx
>Cc: arwesterinen@xxxxxxxxx; mbennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: IAOA - SWAO SIG - PC list for ISWC 2014 workshop proposal
>Thanks, Naicong! Let's all review this.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Li, Naicong [mailto:Naicong_Li@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>>Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2014 12:31 AM
>>To: Elie Abi-Lahoud; Obrst, Leo J.; stefano.borgo@xxxxxxxxx;
>>kenb@xxxxxxxxxxx; Peter Yim; mdean@xxxxxxx;
>>; tjschneider@xxxxxxxxx
>>Cc: arwesterinen@xxxxxxxxx; mbennett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>Subject: RE: IAOA - SWAO SIG - PC list for ISWC 2014 workshop proposal
>>Hi All,
>>Here is the latest version of the workshop proposal. I first accepted all
>>changes; the changes you see now are the changes from today.
>>Naicong (06)
Description: ISWC2014_SWAOWorkshopProposal9.docx
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