Dear IAOA-general mailing list subscribers, (01)
please, find below the public report of the 52nd IAOA Executive Council meeting. (02)
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Stefano Borgo
on behalf of IAOA EC (05)
--- (06)
Fifty-second meeting of the IAOA Executive Council (EC)
Virtual Meeting of 12 Jan 2012 (07)
Nicola Guarino (chair)
Michael Gruninger
Giancarlo Guizzardi
Ali Hashemi (invited)
Leo Obrst
Peter Yim (08)
The EC decided that the IAOA 2012 Summer School is to be in Trento
(Italy) in July, during the week before FOIS. (09)
The EC acknowledges the progress report on FOIS 2012 from Michael
Gruninger (conference chair) and Giancarlo Guizzardi (one of the
program co-chairs), and in particular, that three (3) workshops have
been accepted to be held as part of FOIS 2012. They include: (010)
(i) ODISE 2012: the 4th International Workshop on Ontology-Driven
Information Systems Engineering;
(ii) OSEMA 2012: Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing; and
(iii) WoMO 2012: the 6th International Workshop on Modular Ontologies (011)
Recommendation from the Education Committee and sub-committee chairs
on the IPR Policy for the IAOA Textbook/Handbook project has been
adopted. For the Textbook/Handbook and related content work, the (CC
BY 3.0), “Attribution Only” License[1] shall apply. And, for computer
software, program and codes included in such work, the “Simplified
(2-clause) BSD” License[2] shall be applicable. (This is similar to
the OOR IPR Policy[3]; for more information, please refer to that, and
to how that was developed.) (012)
[3] (013)
To support the Committee, SIG and work by the Association and its
membership in general, the EC recognizes that we would need to put
processes into practice, and have the IAOA website and related
infrastructure to support such processes. Dedicated meetings will be
held to that end in the near future. (014)
The EC also reviewed the status and progress of previous action items. (015)
(End of Report) (016)
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