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[iaoa-general] Public Report IAOA-EC meeting n.50 - Thu 2011.11.10

To: iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Stefano Borgo <borgo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2011 19:59:01 +0100
Message-id: <A2A94850-7B00-4287-AFA1-EDF36F9F86CD@xxxxxxxxxx>
Dear IAOA-general mailing list subscribers,    (01)

please, find below the public report of the 50th IAOA Executive Council meeting.    (02)

The past public reports are collected at
http://www.iaoa.org/iaoaorga/reports/reports.html    (03)

If you are an IAOA member but do not have the password to access the IAOA 
member's area (http://www.iaoa.org/members/members.php), 
contact the association at: info@xxxxxxxx    (04)

Stefano Borgo
on behalf of IAOA EC    (05)

---    (06)

Fiftieth meeting of the IAOA Executive Council (EC)
Virtual Meeting of 10 N0v 2011    (07)

Nicola Guarino (chair)
John Bateman
Stefano Borgo
Michael Gruninger
Giancarlo Guizzardi
Ali Hashemi (invited)
Riichiro Mizoguchi
Leo Obrst
Peter Yim    (08)

The EC has confirmed that IAOA will cover financial deficits for FOIS 2012. The 
IAOA and the local organizers will divide any revenue surplus on a 50/50 basis 
while cost share is based on the already agreed revenue/cost sharing 
arrangements.    (09)

The EC has looked at the status of the Design Semantics SIG. The SIG's website 
is now available here:
http://www.iaoa.org/iaoaSIG/SIGdesign/SIGdesign.php    (010)

The EC is positive about inviting further input from IAOA members about the 
role of a BioOntology SIG. The plan is to pursue a dedicated event at FOIS 2012 
for planning the future and form such a SIG, if found useful.    (011)

The education committee reported on the discussion on the IAOA Summer School 
2012. One possibility is to have it in Trento before FOIS 2012.
People in Trento will look further into organizational issues.    (012)

The wiki workspace for the IAOA textbook is now ready. It is still undecided 
what kind of open license will be adopted.    (013)

The infrastructure committee received lots of comments on the updated website. 
Oliver Kutz is working on it.
An assistant (a student) will be hired to help with the website work in this 
phase.    (014)

The EC went through a proposal for the IAOA messaging strategy looking at 
questions like: Who are the target audiences? Which messages are relevant?    (015)

The EC was informed about the first event organized by the Ontology and 
Conceptual Modeling SIG: the Onto-Com 2011 workshop held during the 
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2011) in Brussels.
The organizers were very happy with the outcome of the event and many 
participants expressed strong interest to join the SIG.    (016)

The following event has been recognized as IAOA supported events:    (017)

The 9th International Conference on Terminology and Artificial Intelligence 
(TIA 2011)
"Multilingual terminology at the crossroads"
Paris, 8-10 November 2011
http://tia2011.crim.fr/Home.html    (018)

IAOA champion: Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles
IAOA EC liaison: Laure Vieu    (019)

More info at: http://www.iaoa.org/iaoasupportedevents/iaoasupportedevents.php    (020)

(End of Report)    (021)

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  • [iaoa-general] Public Report IAOA-EC meeting n.50 - Thu 2011.11.10, Stefano Borgo <=