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[iaoa-general] Public Report of IAOA EC meeting (n.10)

To: iaoa-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: borgo@xxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2009 10:43:03 +0100 (CET)
Message-id: <53f2c29be209b9f31ee83b0a77c0464a.squirrel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,    (01)

please find below the public report of the 10th IAOA Executive Council
meeting.    (02)

All the public reports are collected at
www.loa-cnr.it/IAOA/public_reports.html    (03)

Stefano Borgo
on behalf of the IAOA EC    (04)

Tenth meeting of the IAOA Executive Council (EC)
Public Report (3 Nov 2009)    (05)

NicolaGuarino (chair)
PeterYim    (06)

The IAOA EC discussed policies for the FOIS conference series.  One issue
was the opportunity of possible restrictions on submissions by the Program
Chair(s). IAOA wants to be open and fair which means to avoid possible
perception of favoritism. This issue is mitigated in the case of the FOIS
conferences for two reasons: the selection process of the chairs and the
fact that there are always two chairs running the conference. Nonetheless,
it has been agreed that IAOA should adopt an explicit policy. To allow
time for discussion, the policy will be adopted at next meeting.    (07)

The IAOA EC decided that the association takes all the risks and benefits
regarding the FOIS conferences organization. Local organizers are
encouraged to find sponsors to take part of the risks or underwrite the
event. Regarding FOIS 2010, due to the fact that IAOA has just started and
has no funds to count upon, and that we are in the middle of a poor
economic climate, special care has to be exercised in managing our budget.    (08)

The IAOA new web page, registration and payment procedures are ready.
There are some issues to solve in the process to ensure private access to
the pages reserved to the members. Most of the work is done on a voluntary
basis and the need to coordinate people across three continents has caused
some recent unexpected delays. A teleconference among the key people will
be organized.    (09)

Due to law restrictions, IAOA membership covers one year from January to
December. Since the registration will start soon, the IAOA EC decided that
IAOA members who started in 2009 will have valid memberships until the end
of year 2010.    (010)

The IAOA has received requests to sponsor events organized by external
people and/or institutions. The IAOA started a discussion on a general
policy but decided to postpone a decision to next meeting.    (011)

(End of Report)    (012)

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